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  • Robshi

    Yeah that was my thinking too. It’s hard to judge what the presets are doing. Is there a list anywhere of the different presets included in the expansion pack and which ones are used in demos.



    This sounds like a great idea. I’m guessing that loads of guys have multiple input soundcards as part of their setup and it’s so easy to make your own trigger pads it would mean guys could basically diy kits and not have to fork out for Roland or whoevers module. Maybe even make it a vst plugin so you could use it in your daw.



    Hi guys. 

    Came across this thread on a search. I have similar needs to markham with regards to tambourine for going alongside rock/pop drums. 

    I already have the original percussionist vst which came with dfh superior so kind of reticent about buying Latin ezx as the audio is the same just with the midi files. 

    I am interested in the claustrophobic ezx though which also has tambourine kit pieces and so I guess some midi for tambourne too. Would this midi do the job or do the songwriters packs have any of this kinda stuff?

    There is a sale on ezx in the uk at the mo so if needs be I can buy the latin ezx and at least be paying less for the same audio and convince myself its just the midi I’m paying for but as I like the claustrophobic set anyway it maybe better to just get that. 

    Toontrack have you any plans for a rock percussion midi pack?

    Cheers guys



    Yeah I have looked into the wave rider thing but I think it was mac only. I just thought this would be a great addition to the system tools side of toontrack products as they have a track record of producing tools which works really well whilst not requiring a mortgage to buy. The waves thing is just too expensive and like I said the other product is mac only.


    Yeah like the other post said this idea has been mentioned before but infortunatly there is something about how the graphics part of the software works which prohibits this from being able to be done.

    I’m a graphic designer and so I like cool visual prompts like this idea but one there thng which came out of the discussion was that ultimatly it’s about tge sound and having to have tge extra graphics and code for swappng images etc could mean an extra overhead of memory etc and so obviously it’s better to have it working smoothly with a great sound rather than have some extra graphics but run slower.

    Do a search and you should be able to find ‘The previous discussion if you want to know more



    I guess from my side of things I treat superior like I would a regular drum kit and so so I set panning to mimic the panning of the kit as it’s set up. So that means I’ll keep all the different mics for a kit piece panned to the same positon – afterall when you hit a drum you don’t get the top sound from one side of the room and the bottom sound from the other. The point of the different mics is to enable you to mix the mic signals to get the sound you prefer. Want more fizz on the snare then use more of the bottom mic, prefer it with a bit more of the head thwack then add more top mic.

    I guess at the end of the day you can always try different panning ideas as hey you may find that extra special something you were missing but for a more conventional drum kit sound I would keep mics for pieces together and pan them as per kit position.



    C&v for sure with avatar ambience. I love zildjian cymbals and c&v is great for those as well as some great snares. I also have to say I am getting dome nice tones from hit factory which wad a suprise to me as it was the allaire stuff that I originally got ny sdx for.


    As others have suggested there has to be bassguitar in there somewhere that def covers tonal& percussive. Plus we heard bass guitar samples being worked on in the walk around toontrack vid.

    You guys at toontrack must love it…you come up with a new idea and then must sit there laughing thinking of ways to leak a small bit of the info knowing that we will lap it up. I love it it’s like being a kid before Christmas everytime.



    A few ideas come to mind. Firstly if you saved your avatar settings as channel presets then these should be available across libraries. I think the reason you can’t do combined presets across libraries is due to the differences in the channels recorded.

    As for the ride it is fairly common practice to just cover the ride using the overheads however if you do want a dedicated ride channel in the mixer then I should think you can set up the ride as an xdrum and then in the microphone management bit set the overhead for the ride to a new channel and rename it xride or something and then route the midi to that ride instead.

    With kicks I have had success with using midi nodes to layer kicks from different libraries to get the sound I’m looking for rather than resorting to loads of EQ so that could work for you.

    Anyway just a few ideas which I have found useful to me and may help you too.



    I use fd8 pedal which is the current base pedal from roland and really wish I had got an fd7 instead…so like grandaddy said if you can find an fd7 that appears to be a better choice.

    The one Nir Z is playing is a hart dynamics one and ye it is quite expensive but from what I’ve read/heard it seems to be one of the best options out there.

    I have  a converted acoustic to edrum set in my studio which my drummers much prefer to my old regular edrum set but the hi hat pedal response is the area that the drummers find frustrating so if you are going to be getting regular drummer using your kit its probably worth the investment to buy something decent. It is a real pain to have to draw in the response after the fact.



    Really any of the DAWs on the market should enable you to do this. If on a pc you could try cubase or even a cut down version of it such as cubase LE if you can still get it. If you have a mac then you may already have garageband which is a cut down version of logic.

    If you are willing to spend the money and want to do more than just use the rig live but also to setup a home studio I would recommend going for the full version of the software as they will give you more features but for simply hosting vst instruments then I guess the lite versions would work out fine.

    There is also reaper which is less expensive than cubase but I have no experience of it myself.




    Well a piezo basically sends a current when it is compressed so if you cold set up a latch to toggle on and off each time the peizo is pressed then that could work I guess thats if you want it to stay on and then off next time you hit it. If you are just wanting it to transmit an on state each time it is hit and then go straight back to off state then you just need to wire it in as is. This is how the basic design works for edrums.

    Hopefully I’ve understood you.


    I have both gitar rig (only version 2) and a lot of the amplitube 2 products. Personally I find the amplitube ones seem to breath more wheras the gitar rig ones sound more processed. Just my ears mind you..others may vary but I love the amplitube stuff and you can get a foot controller for it.


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