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  • Anders Hagström

    Hi Scott, I have a question about using Evil Drums SDX inside SD3..
    When I´m loading Evil Drums inside SD3, I got a warning saying “The sound library Evil Drums SDX needs to be updatet. Please use the Toontrack Product manager to update”. But I have the latest version! I even re-installed the library throught the Product manager and it says “ready to use”, but I still got a warning every time I change a kit.

    Anders Hagström

    Ezdrummer works with both 32 & 64 bit, and 3GB is more than enought if that´s your only vsti.
    I don´t know anything about Music Creator..sorry.

    Anders Hagström

    Sounds great! I really like the production and arrangements. Very dynamic.

    Anders Hagström

    thanks a lot! I had a good day when I was recording this tune. One of the few that I can listen back to and enjoy
    Love the Classic EZX. That´s my main kit at the moment.

    Anders Hagström

    ORIGINAL: AKMusicProductions

    It just seemed like you were just jamming along rather than establishing a song.

    It was more or less what I did.
    I was just jamming with the “blues pack” and I thought the result was good enough to share with you guys. I wasn´t trying to write anything spectacular.
    I´m not offended at all. I really appreciate that you take your time to listen and leave your opinion.
    And I agree, some more excitement would not hurt.

    All the best.

    Hey Scott,
    Thanks! I´m using Amplitube 3 at the moment. I tried some “custom shop” stuff for this recordning. The Orange rockerverb for lead and Fender Princeton for rhythm. Don´t remember the bass amp.

    Anders Hagström

    Hey Scott!
    Thanks a lot. I like Kotzen…wish I had his voice.

    Take care!

    Anders Hagström

    The Blues midi pack is great. I´m using it together with the classic ezx on a new song i´m working on. Sounds excellent and real fun to play gtr over!

    Anders Hagström

    thanks for your feedback. I think you´re right about that there is room for improvements. Especially in some of the rhythm parts.

    I like it, is there a place to get drum share drum tracks? Meaning can I load yours in to my Sup 2 ?

    glad that you liked it. Are you talking about mixing presets for SD2 or the midi/sounds? Not sure if I understand.
    If you think that the drums are groovy you should look into the “blues midi pack”. That´s what I used for this track. And C&V SDX!

    Anders Hagström

    Yes, the Classic EZX sure is fantastic.
    Excellent sounds from the different kits and setups. Very useful midi drumming from Chris and Peter. A must buy IMO!
    Chris, If you´re reading this…just curious.
    Have you ever worked with recording engineer/producer Phill Brown?
    I´ve just finished reading his book “are we still rolling”. The Helios desk is mentioned very often. Cool to be able to hear that sound in action with the Classic EZX.

    Anders Hagström

    thanks a lot for listening. I really like the sound of these kits (great job BTW).
    I´m glad that you liked this tune.

    Anders Hagström

    I like this a lot! Great feeling and playing. Nice production too.
    Kind of a “John Scofield 90´s funk period” vibe. I love that stuff.

    Anders Hagström

    I like!
    Reminds me a bit of Zappa.


    Anders Hagström

    I do not listen to much metal these days, but I listened to the first two songs and I liked it a lot.
    Excellent performance from everyone. Nice production too.
    I´ll come back and listen more to your music later.


    Anders Hagström

    Thank you Mr D!
    I really appreciate your feedback.

    All the best!

    Anders Hagström

    ORIGINAL: norrie
    Ok so with all that said it gets me to this question for you all with any pre set and Superior drummer sent to any track in the DAW it will then be in the red and start cliping.

    You can always lower Superiors “master volyme control”, if the presets are overloading your drum bus.
    Leaving a bit of headroom is a good thing to do!


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