Today only – 40% off 18 selected EZXs.*

Today only – 40% off 18
selected EZXs.

Today only – 40% off 18 selected EZXs.*

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  • Alan Young

    Hey! that was song was cool. Good luck with it. Great demo.

    The vocals need a little work with effects to make them sit better,
    he has a great voice so worth taking the time.

    Fantastic work, i’m well impressed.


    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    I bought the Producer pre set, only because it was real cheap and to basically have a look. Very good, but the only thing that nags me with those things are these couple of points.

    1/ Would you pass on all your experience and knowledge to a bunch of Ekit players with a ready made 100% nailed on sound?
    2/ Would you hold just a little back, and let them work the rest out themselves?

    I guess TT will say ‘No, it’s as good as it can be’ with nothing held back, tips, tricks, sounds their all in there. I just know if it was me i would be reluctant to pass on years of experience and immense talent to a bunch of guys i’ll never meet.

    I’m not complaining by the way, as value for money goes they are priced right, and will no doubt be useful in the future for me. But that thought crossed my mind.

    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    ORIGINAL: leecassidy

    Hi Alan,

    Thanks very much. Very kind words.

    Yes, I’ve seen the Producer Mix pack, but it just doesn’t have anything I particularly want. Not sure who of Allen’s clients you thought sounded similar to my stuff, but….
    I’m getting closer (not close, but I’m seeing progress) to the sounds I want now, so I’ll just continue with my own mixes.

    And that is my own stuff I wrote the song, literally everything except the bass solo, as I do with all of my band’s songs. I’m a control freak 😀

    You have one great band, Lee. Keep em coming. Do you have a vocalist? (not offering, not good enough) Would be interesting to hear him/her.


    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    Hey Lee,
    You have one real serious talent there, i’m really impressed. Amazing playing (and programming).

    How did you record your guitar? did you DI it through a plug in, or record live with Mic’s?

    I started to learn guitar, with the wish to play like that, couldn’t get passed DGEC chords so took up singing

    Have you looked at the new ‘Producer Mix Pack’ for the Avatar kit. It has 5 presets, 3 of which would really suit your music
    and for £5.00 it would be little wasted if you didn’t like them. I don’t work for Toontrack, just reckon they would save you a
    bit of time in future, and may give you a headstart for your next project.
    I’d really love to see you play some of your own stuff, i reckon it would be hot!!!



    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    ORIGINAL: dave60

    I don’t have a midi in socket on the computer… can I somehow use the firewire, usb, or line-in?  What do I need to do that?

    Can I use an inexpensive ($500) E-drum kit to trigger the sounds in EZDrummer to make my own drum beats input to create drum sounds?

    You can use a MIDI to USB interface (converter), they are relatively cheap, about £20.00 or so. Something similar to this

    You go EKIT> Midi out > USB input on computer.


    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    Great tune man, i really like what you did with the timing of the sentence ‘Man of few…..words’ that’s really clever and works.

    Good Luck


    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    Thanks for the swift reply John. And will do as suggested.



    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    ORIGINAL: Rogue

    If what you are saying is that the wrong kit pieces play when you hit your pads this would mean that your module is either not at the factory settings, or that you haven’t plugged the right pad in the labeled inputs at the back.

    Finally got around to trying to record the TD3 live into ProTools.

    Ok, here’s where i am at. The TD3 is set at the factory setting, the kit pieces are all plugged into their relevant outputs.

    When i hit the hi hat, the tom plays. Snare is ok, BD is now tom2. I remapped everything manually to play as it should but i am having huge problems with the Hi Hat, it is set at open and no matter what i do i.e change the mapping settings it won’t change. Pedal correction doesn’t make any difference whatsoever. I’ve tried ‘learn’ open ‘learn’ closed when mapping but unfortunately no joy.
    I even tried the setting to edrum, but no difference their either. Is there a way to sort this? as my next project involves live playing. For this one i have had to go into my midi editor and move things around so i get the articulations on the Hats i need, but surely there must be an easy way.

    Thanks in advance


    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    ORIGINAL: Whitten

    ORIGINAL: Alan Young

    I’ve yet to see any developer say ” Here’s our new product…….it’s cr@p

    A product can still be ‘serious’ and not suit your needs.
    For example, I have no use for Garageband, it doesn’t make it a toy or cr@p. Same goes for Reason. Actually Ableton isn’t the right DAW for me either.

    So, let’s see what Beatstation is (I have no idea myself), then decide whether it offers us anything…… without pronouncing it cr@p.

    That was a quote not aimed directly at Toontrack but at developers in general, i just thought it funny. I never said the product was cr@p, end of, how could i? there isn’t a product to judge.
    Regardless, If Toontrack doesn’t want people making assumptions or comments, don’t send out half cocked emails and thread starters proclaiming ‘I know something you don’t know’. I know they are trying to drum up enthusiasm for a new product, but i’m not a teenage Westlife fan who is going to camp outside the shop door on the first day of an album release, and buy it because it is Westlife. I will buy things i need, and no matter how it is promoted as a must have, i will judge it myself first, and no marketing or publicity will sway me one way or another.
    Take EZX Electronic, the videos were up for a while before release, i bought it almost straight away because it was something i would and do use. Let the product do the talking.

    So yes, let’s see what Beatstation is, if i need it or will use it i buy it, if i don’t i don’t. I just hope this drip, drip, drip marketing doesn’t backfire on Toontrack and people lose interest, as i really admire the company and products. However, people will make assumptions well before it is fully released, i am afraid they might get impatient (not me i may add). Yep, i hold Toontrack in very high esteem, Heck!! i got you 2 sales since i bought SD2 to friends, and i only had it a few months, because ‘I had something to show them’.
    Anyway good luck with it.

    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    It looks like a form of ‘Garage Band’ which can incorporate SD2. I hope not though.

    I’ll wait and see, and hopefully it will be something useful for someone.

    Andreas : ” Don´t let the cover fool ya. Beatstation is serious indeed.”

    I’ve yet to see any developer say ” Here’s our new product…….it’s cr@p”

    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    Thanks Rogue, i’ll check tomorrow.
    Was wondering if anyone was coming back on this, been busy and guessed you guys were too so didn’t push it.


    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    Hi Guys, sorry to be a pest.

    Yes, i managed to get the midi and sound working from the TD3. The only problem i had after setting the Mapping to E Drums was nothing changed. When i hit the various kit pieces a different piece would play, which didn’t really change anything from before i selected E Drums. I don’t know what i’m doing wrong but i guess it will be something simple.

    I am inserting SD on a stereo instrument track in PTools.

    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    Thanks Chris/John

    I’ve just simplified things for myself by coming back from my local music store with a midi/usb interface.

    Thanks for the recording/mapping tips too, i’ll get my son to play and record when he comes in from school. I didn’t know it was that simple, it just looked a lot harder.

    His words ‘ I’ll play what you want, but i’m not drawing no dots in’

    Teenagers huh!

    I appreciate it guys, thanks again.


    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

    Alan Young

    Yes, same here. Fab sounds but there’s just so many, so you can easily forget where you were at when you have to click too many times to preview IMO.

    OSX Lion 10.7.1, Intel 2.4Ghz Intel i5 Macbook Pro 4G DDR ram 1067. Logic Pro 9.1

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