Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

EZXClassic is comming soon ?

Requests and Feedback
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  • Juicy

    Chris ,
    I have listened on my Questeds ,Dynaudios and now again on the old Ns10’s and the sound does appear to have great bandwith/translation.
    Especially on the tracks with full music so as always its kinda a buy it scenario to really know.
    Perhaps some points seemed more a contradiction {Ezy Vs SD2} not a criticism but mainly a point of query for some not all.
    Glad to talk about it actually,learn ,understand finding we all are users from many standpoints and needs
    as i think Scott mentioned.

    For people who like me have purchased both an EZ and SD2 of the same library good on us too !
    The Question is
    If only we could know if this is or definitely is not going to be released as an SDX ??
    i for one would buy it today .


    I could never say a definite no.
    Maybe if I was to give it all up and become a trappist monk.
    You can say a definite no to more detailed samples in C&V for example because the EMI console was ripped out of the studio we recorded it at.

    I honestly feel for the people who buy EZX’s, then an almost identical SDX comes along a few months later.
    To be fair, there’s more unique EZX’s (Funkbrothers, Twisted, Electronic etc) than there are ‘lite’ versions of SDX’s.

    If I could get good commercial use out of an EZX for several months at least, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy it.
    How long did it take Nashville to turn into Music City? Where’s that Jazz SDX?


    ORIGINAL: Whitten
    How long did it take Nashville to turn into Music City?
    Where’s that Jazz SDX?

    Thats easy

    A. Too Long
    B. Way Too Long and worse,its the next big thing ! Noooooo

    Wish i could get “good commercial use” from this EZX for a only few months (what value hey ) and then later happily get the rebadged SDX without caring that im
    considered to be selfish and better still foolish by my studio partner and wife for needing the very best i can get .
    Wait a minute i”ve done that 4 times already .
    This is silly,Thanks for the insight

    Oli Poulsen

    ORIGINAL: Whitten
    If I could get good commercial use out of an EZX for several months at least, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy it.
    How long did it take Nashville to turn into Music City? Where’s that Jazz SDX?

    The Nashville EZX came out in February of 2007…and the SDX came 3 years later in April of 2010.
    Kinda speaks for itself

    I don’t see many asking for a Jazz SDX, and it is kinda radical to go from Metal Foundry or the Baressi SDX to jazz.
    Your pack covers exactly what at least I am often looking for…studio drums in a classic fashion and Zildjian hats.

    But bottomline is (and this is not of your concern in any way, but just a plea to Toontrack) …please release more SDX!

    Pro Tools 10 HD3 MacPro Quad 2.66 OSX 6.8 DTXtreme III special All S2.0 packs iMac 27 3.4 i7 OSX 8.2 Pro Tools 10 HD


    I don’t see many asking for a Jazz SDX, and it is kinda radical to go from Metal Foundry or the Baressi SDX to jazz.

    The Jazz SDX would pretty much be my ‘killer app’ for SD2. I play a lot of jazz and also use edrums; I’ve played with the Jazz EZX in my local music store and it sounds awesome, but for edrum use I’m holding out for the SDX. Nothing else out there caters for this.

    I would also love to be able to get my hands on an SDX version of Classics – a yammy RC9k is a dream kit for me.





    But bottomline is (and this is not of your concern in any way, but just a plea to Toontrack) …please release more SDX!

    I asume that once you’ve got the gear and personel together for a session, that accounts for most of the NRE. So it makes sense to record every session as if it was for an SDX. I guess EZX packs sell in greater numbers, but SD is where you really lead the market (EZDrummer does not, for example, compete well with BFD2).

    For the record, I would probably still buy EZX packs if I knew an SDX version would appear a year or so later. I suspect there’s a lot here who’d do the same.



    How do numbers of users compare between EZdrummer and BFD2?
    I suspect EZdrummer ‘leads the market’ in terms of users. Do you look to create product for your largest customer segment, or let them eat cake as it were, with cast offs from the SDX line?

    If you look at the equipment list on an average EZX, then look at an average SDX, I think you can see the recording sessions would most likely be over more days for an SDX and require larger collections of drums and cymbals. That’s all cash investment on the part of the makers.
    If they’d spent weeks recording many more drums and cymbals for Claustrophobic, Twisted, Latin percussion and Funkmasters I don’t think those packs would be economical at $39 to $79.99 each.


    ORIGINAL: Whitten
    Do you look to create product for your largest customer segment, or let them eat cake as it were, with cast offs from the SDX line?

    You have answered yourself .

    “You look to create product for your largest customer segment”


    You see this is the thing with you guys…..
    Despite all the comments about not attacking me, and not criticising anyone etc…. You continue to make extremely aggressive and inflammatory remarks.

    Have you not had Evil Drums negotiated for Superior by the Toontrack team? One of the best SDX’s IMHO.
    Have you not had Metal Foundry (massive equipment list) and Music City (mainstream, hi-fi sound) in just over a calender year?
    In that time EZdrummers have had Metalheads and The Classic?
    So when the large EZdrummer customer base gets a new pack, we’re screwing the Superior users?
    No, I think we’re responsibly serving both sets of users with fresh sounds.

    I think that’s quite honestly a scandalous and rather awful thing to claim that ‘I’ve answered myself’ …… and after several pages of me trying to mediate and explain politely where i thought we were coming from.
    Yeah, I think I’m done with this conversation.


    i just found it illuminating perhaps within the question lies the answer .
    You said it , just echo , reaction ,seems our questions get healthy attack here too.
    “xtremely aggressive and inflammatory remarks “. I dont really get that but if you do,im sorry.
    How is this an attack on you.more about what is said , I have commended you on this work and wished you well.


    You framed my comment that I saw our task when creating ‘The Classic’ as servicing the EZdrummer community as somehow a slight to the Superior users.
    Your rather heavily implying because I was creating something for a larger user base, I was consciously ignoring Superior users. NO!
    I was asked to create an EZX and was thrilled to do so. Meanwhile I’m sure other teams are working on SDX’s. It’s not an act of choosing one format over another. It’s about creating content for everyone, based on the availability of studios, recording engineers, and the ideas for potential projects that get the thumbs up from the people who run Toontrack.
    The last thing I did was work on a reissue of C&V for SDX. The next thing I’ve done is an EZX. ***It just happens to be that way.***

    There is no EZX version of Evil Drums. There currently is no SDX version of ‘The Classic’. It’s swings and roundabouts. No user group gets ignored.
    If you think you are ignored take it up with the Toontrack hierarchy, don’t turn a thread about a new EZX into a whinge about Superior.
    And in addition, I’d appreciate you not including me in your conspiracy by twisting what I say to suit your agenda.


    Your Back ,
    Nobody is whinging ,your not a child i am not too thats is insulting customers,Chris,

    Its the results over time that are in question.

    My point is that i would buy this X pack as an SDX.
    As i have clearly stated i have many X packs that are re worked versions of the same,now i DID pay/support buying these all on my lonesome but
    now im trying to get TT to be a little more up front on there Agenda.

    Case in point you mentioned you did the re release of C&V yes i had the Original C&V and all add ons then the EZX for all the reasons you point out pro the EZ vibe and then jumped the SDX version by this time,>>>>> it ain,t cheap long term.NO WAY<<<<<<

    Nobody forces us to stay on the bleeding edge but some of us have to try.
    I want to say something more but wont,

    Except id still like to know now >TT< is it or isnt it going to be an SDX ?

    Oli Poulsen

    ORIGINAL: Whitten

    How do numbers of users compare between EZdrummer and BFD2?
    I suspect EZdrummer ‘leads the market’ in terms of users. Do you look to create product for your largest customer segment, or let them eat cake as it were, with cast offs from the SDX line?

    If you look at the equipment list on an average EZX, then look at an average SDX, I think you can see the recording sessions would most likely be over more days for an SDX and require larger collections of drums and cymbals. That’s all cash investment on the part of the makers.
    If they’d spent weeks recording many more drums and cymbals for Claustrophobic, Twisted, Latin percussion and Funkmasters I don’t think those packs would be economical at $39 to $79.99 each.

    Actually in the case of the Nashville/Music City packs, it’s almost identical…just a couple of snares extra, and more choices of kick dampening.
    It IS the same recordings…just made available in full resolution 3 years later.
    Your EZX already has more kit pieces than the Music City SDX…so I personally would buy it in SDX format just to get the bleeds and full sample count.

    The only first release on SDX is the Metal Foundry…so it’s not like the EZ community is a “cast off” in any sense, it’s more the other way around.

    I don’t think there is any real interest from the SDX community to get Claustrophobic, Funkmasters and Twisted Kit …those are more in the special/novelty department, and won’t benefit that much from more bleeds and samples.
    It’s more the natural drum recordings that really get an added depth and realism in the SDX format…especially when you play them with an E-kit.

    Pro Tools 10 HD3 MacPro Quad 2.66 OSX 6.8 DTXtreme III special All S2.0 packs iMac 27 3.4 i7 OSX 8.2 Pro Tools 10 HD


    Its funny Oli, you mention Claustrophobic, that is my 2nd fav EZX next to Vintage Rock and is still on my Logic Startup template song for all the good reasons we got into EZ Drummer( Yes its true) after having S1 before getting SD2 Go Figure.
    I like dry sounds too i guess.
    It has some phase issues when you delve into its mics come stereo/mono compatibilty mix time i wish they would fix that too but ya know .
    Never mentioned it.
    Im so kinda down on this whole thing now maybe until some freaky 192k SupraEZSD3 comes along <we have enough.

    Just got my Tama Stewart Copeland Steel Snare from the Memphis Drum Shop today. Sweet tribute band fun !!

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