Today only – 40% off 18 selected EZXs.*

Today only – 40% off 18
selected EZXs.

Today only – 40% off 18 selected EZXs.*

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  • Ann Roche

    Thanks for the info

    yere i see in cubase 11 it isn’t too hard to set up

    In the past I generally was inclined to use different instances of a virtual instrument instead of using multi outputs

    although I was wondering with regards to how well my DAW / PC would perform if I were to try this approach

    using Superior Drummer 3 (which i have not brought yet, have Ez Drummer 2 though)

    Would be useful to be able to do all the main sound design work in the single instance of Superior Drummer.

    as it would be easier to account for and just a little bit easier to manage / tidier.

    Ann Roche

    Yes, I agree. I would say that the Hammond Style Tonewheel Organs are a classic style of organ that has been used for almost 100 years.

    I think that although there are quiet a few emulations on the market, there still is a great deal of room for a software manufacturer to

    do a really good job at recreating a comprehensive set of Hammond Tonewheel Organ emulations, especially one that works and sounds

    the same way as the classic Hammond Tonewheel Organ.


    I mean, how many plug ins have you heard that get close to the living breathing squeels and soft plush jimmy smith sounds that classic Hammond Organs sound sound like on the classic records across the genres.

    I mean, how many genres are we talking? Gospel, Jazz, Acid Jazz, Psychedelic Rock, Indie Rock, Blues, Jazz Blues, Funk.

    If only ToonTrack could do what they have for the Hammond, for what they have done for Virtual Drums.

    Ann Roche

    Hello Scot

    Thanks for your reply and yes, the layouts are what i was looking for.

    Haven’t been using Toontrack for that long. (not in hours).


    Sorry, i shouldn’t have been so lazy and read the manual.

    The Midi layout maps are really useful for me at the mo, as i am presently building a home made drum pads with Arduino. So need to know what keys / channels / etc. to program them to send midi on.

    Out of interest, i think a combo of a piano roll and a Cubase drum editor would be cool to integrate into your plug in, perhaps one with automation channels at the bottom, with facility to edit the automation and values, such as velocity etc. Although i guess that could also still be the duty of the DAW.

    Thanks again

    Ann Roche


    thanks for your answer, i’m not sure what you mean by the image posted.

    I do have the option to load up whatever pack i want within EZ Drummer, which loads the relative samples for each kit.

    Although there is no literal visual layout. What i would perhaps expect for such a plug in is a layout like below:

    with labels next to each key that gives the name of the sample / instrument used.

    Image result for piano roll

    I guess an alternative to the piano roll, for cubase users, or perhaps a simple way to create such a map,

    is to use the cubase drum editor to create a visual reference using the tailorable features in the drum editor (which i note is a also a really useful tool for drum programming too, even if it is a bit old school).

    11: A screenshot showing a drum track manually set in a drum roll editor within the Steinberg Cubase † DAW. †

    Ann Roche

    Hello Hasse FX and Henrik

    Thanks for your replies and advice

    sure i understand

    sounds like just the thing for me, as i have my own project studio built around an isolation booth that is big enough to house a drummer

    but which doesn’t have a particularly great natural reverb. however i can see how the close mic recording the drums and then using these multi track drums with superior drummer 3, should allow me to fairly realistically create half decent recordings

    without the need of having to pay for a big pro recording studio, at least not at high quality demo level

    yes, awesome




    Thanked by: Henrik
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