Today only – 40% off 18 selected EZXs.*

Today only – 40% off 18
selected EZXs.

Today only – 40% off 18 selected EZXs.*

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  • jtnyc

    @Madsyentist said:
    at least u got back thank u for that i wonder how ikmultimedia did there amps with the mics? about the moon thing I think u guys got there with the SD3 gut I did hear a famous guitar player say “Well, I stand up next to a mountain And I chop it down with the edge of my hand” anyways thanks for ur time that will be my 1 and only request ever lol but thanks  

    IK Amplitube is modeled amps and mics that you run audio through,they are not “recorded sounds”. SD3 drums are actual recorded drum samples with actual mics. The sheer amount of samples that they would have to record for like 20-50 or 50-100 mic positions for each drum (depending on how much you want to move them). You would also have to multiply that by the already existing large velocity and round robin layers. It would increase the ram footprint of the library into multi terabyte territory. And even after that I would think there could be phasing and other possible issues.

    It’s really not necessary either. They give you so many mic options already. 3 snare mics, 2 kick, multiple room choices, 2 overhead choices. It’s all there.


    @Olle said:
    There is one confusing thing about what is part of the mixer preset and what
    is not. The Bleed Enable, Level and Phase controls for individual instruments
    that sit on the right hand side of the mixer are not part of the mixer state.
    Those are properties of the instruments. Maybe that explains your pronlem?  

    That would be a problem as those are integral parts of how a mix sounds. I mean, bleed levels have a major effect on how things sound, wether the on/off states of bleed into room mics, or all of the subtle bleed levels on the close mics. It’s all key to how things sound. I understand you are saying those aspects of the mixer are saved with the drums part, but for obvious reasons they should be a function of the mixer and saved with the mixer, otherwise there is actually no way to save and recall how a particular mixer sounds.

    We really need the ability to save mixer presets (including the bleed, level and phase controls). Please consider adding full mixer and midi mapping (property box) presets.

    Thanks –


    So this workaround works. It brings me right to the select parts tab, but It’s not loading properly for me here. I start with a kit that I created with lots of room channels, I then select the mixer only from the select parts tab from the “tight pop” preset. It loads and the mixer looks right. It’s way smaller, but it doesn’t sound tight. I checked the full tight pop preset and it’s dry and tight, but not when I add the mixer element to my kit. I can hear a large room sound. I clicked on edit visibility and it’s feeding the 2 surround room mics from my original mixer. When I load just the tight pop preset, those mics are not being fed. It’s somehow combining mixers. Very strange….


    @Henrik said:

    @jeffthall said:
    BTW, when I try to “select parts” to just load a mixer only part from another preset to the one I already have loaded, it immediately loads everything from that preset. The UI changes immediately showing the drums from the source preset that I’m trying to just extract the mixer from. Even if I then unselect the “load drums” tab, it’s too late, the drums have already been replaced. Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

    Pressing the menu entry “Select Parts…” should not load the preset. This is a bug, that will be fixed in a coming update.
    Until then – you can press alt key on your keyboard + click on the preset. This is a shortcut to get in to Select Parts without having to go through the menu, and it’s right now a workaround for the bug.  

    Thanks Henrik


    BTW, when I try to “select parts” to just load a mixer only part from another preset to the one I already have loaded, it immediately loads everything from that preset. The UI changes immediately showing the drums from the source preset that I’m trying to just extract the mixer from. Even if I then unselect the “load drums” tab, it’s too late, the drums have already been replaced. Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

    To be clear, I have a kit loaded that I like. I want to load a mixer from another preset. I navigate to the preset I want to get the mixer from and click on the little down arrow and click on “select parts”. At that point the select parts window opens, and the kit from this new source kit loads right away before I have a chance to make selections.

    Please advise –



    Thanks Olof –

    For people that want to actually change the assignment of an articulation (not just re-map the incoming midi) the midi properties box is the only way to do it. Presets for both makes a lot of sense to me.

    Straight up mixer presets would allow for quick saving and recalling of the mixer state without unnecessarily involving other elements. The way it is now, if I love a mixer layout I have to save is as a kit. That preset populates the user kit preset list (messy) and when I want to recall it with another kit I have to remember that I didn’t save it for the kit itself, but just for the mixer element. This is really messy to me. SD3 is far to “superior” to have such a convoluted system to save mixer presets IMO. The new mixer is so flexible and the mic options are so vast, the ability to save a mixer preset is a must IMO. I hope you guys agree in the end.

    Thanks –


    A feature I liked in SD2 was the ability to re[place all of the toms with a matched set from another kit with one click.

    The ability to save midi maps that are made in the midi properties box would be very useful as well.

    The ability to save mixer only presets. Maybe we can in SD3 (I haven’t figured it out). Can we?


    A feature I liked in SD2 was the ability to re[place all of the toms with a matched set from another kit with one click.

    The ability to save midi maps that are made in the midi properties box would be very useful as well.

    The ability to save mixer only presets. Maybe we can in SD3 (I haven’t figured it out). Can we?


    After realizing what these items are going for, I dropped the price to $225 for all 4


    Could you please explain to me how to use C&V sounds with Avatar ambience? Is that possible? I can’t quite wrap my head around that one. Please teach me.


    ORIGINAL: Robshi

    C&v for sure with avatar ambience. I love zildjian cymbals and c&v is great for those as well as some great snares. I also have to say I am getting dome nice tones from hit factory which wad a suprise to me as it was the allaire stuff that I originally got ny sdx for.

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