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  • Eric Puister

    I am not sure what to think of this product. With the drum kits, they allowed me to play my own patterns on an E-kit making use of SD or EZD, but I could still play the drums myself. With EZ Keys and EZ Bass, anyone can now simply scrape together a prefab song, no skill is required. What’s next, EZ guitar and EZ voice?

    I am NOT going to buy it. This has crossed he line of what I think is honest music making.

    Eric Puister

    Then it looks quite promising indeed!



    Eric Puister

    Hi Scott, thanks for the reply,

    Possibly I should split up the question, because I already read your FAQs, and I’d already understood what you said above. But I’m still a little puzzled, and I’d be very interested to get it to work on my system when it is released.

    1) Is it true that there is a core program that you install on your system? If so, how big is it then – is that the 41GB?

    2) Are downloads 2 to 5 the rest of all the sound libraries? You say they can be installed on an external drive, which would be great.

    3) If needs be, can you install the core program on an external drive?

    Thing is that I’d like to save as much room as I can on my system.


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