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  • Dee

    Thanks John, that is indeed how it went for me with the SDX reinstall process.

    (For the Superior Drummer 2 users following the thread:)  It was different for me reinstalling the EZXs, since I don’t own SD3 or EZD.  I was able to point SD2 to the EZX libraries, and authorize them inside SD2, but Program Manager still showed that they weren’t installed or downloaded.  They might have worked that way, but I wanted to stay up-to-date in PM going forward, so I did have to re-download those libraries.  Not nearly as big a hassle as it would have been to re-download the SDX libraries.

    Operating system: Windows 10


    Thanked by: Dustin Koester

    I’m dealing with the same process.  My area has atrocious DSL download speeds, so any details about proper order of steps to avoid re-downloading (or overwriting anything important on the external where libraries currently exist) are appreciated.

    This thread suggests that the original downloaded ZIPS must be present in PM’s Download Location folder to avoid re-downloading upon reinstall:

    In my case, the ZIPS from my older Superior purchases are still there, but not newer ones, suggesting that the newer ones were installed through PM, and I chose to “clean up” after install was finished.

    So, I’d like to add the following question to the topic:   Is it correct that for anything I’ve downloaded and “cleaned up” after install, I will have to re-download (incl. SDX, EZX, Midi, and EZMix packs), and to save time in the future, I should not clean up after installing through PM?

    Operating system: Windows 10


    Thanked by: Dustin Koester
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