EZ Drummer 3

Requests and Feedback
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  • shaynekaurin

    AI Drum Programming
    1) I think the most important feature would be a listening function. So effectively you could pick a groove, play a guitar riff and ask EZ Drummer to listen to transients of guitar riff and move kicks and snare to more closely align. I realize this is probably hard to pull off but Bias X Drummer is getting close to this. Make EZ Drummer 3 the epic all in drum program that helps guitarist do less with programming drums and focus on guitar to speed up the writing process.

    2) Also a way to click in the groove within the plugin and edit the midi would be great.


    @shaynekaurin said:
    AI Drum Programming
    1) …ask EZ Drummer to listen to transients of guitar riff and move kicks and snare to more closely align…

    2) … Also a way to click in the groove within the plugin and edit the midi would be great.  

    Thanks for the feedback! We are always happy to hear what our customers want Smile

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    R V

    1) True mono outs and the ability to synch track creation to your daw directly to create mono outs.
    2) In depth mIdi editor done the toontrack way. Time to revolution hi-hat midi-editing in a way that only Toontrack can do.
    3) More effects that could be used separately as VST’s within a DAW host
    4) More tweakability/configuration for e-drum support
    5) Ability to configure a gate or snare damping (or similar)
    6) Save mixer to lock outputs to maintain consistent routing in your daw channels as you switch from kit to kit


    It’s been 4 years since EZD2 was released so I’m hopeful there’s an EZD3 on the near horizon. The biggest thing I’d like to see is better support for importing/exporting MIDI from/to other popular drum programs (e.g. Addictive, Slate, Native Instruments, etc).

    John Graham

    I have EZD2 and SD2 and love them both. The main feature I’d like to see in any future releases is the ability to resize (expand) the Drum tab view. My aging eyes just aren’t as sharp as they used to be, and after hours of building and editing tracks, it’s tough to see the tiny writing…


    @Scott said:

    Have you read about S3 that was just announced?


    I’ve been watching the videos. SD 3.0 is Killer!
    The Piano Roll is the bomb!!
    THAT one thing alone is what I pray to God is included in EZD 3.0

    Been thinking about moving to SD 3.0 but it would piss me off to no end
    if I pay the extra money for the upgrade only to have EZD3.0 come out a month later
    with this feature included!!

    I wish they’d at least give an idea when/if an EZD 3 is in the works or when it might come out
    even if they don’t say anything about features..


    Another desirable feature would be the ability to have EZD
    read a 5-10-15-30 second MP3/WAV/ETC.. and duplicate the drum part.
    Same thing for SD.

    THAT would be awesome!!

    Mac McCormick

    Dear Toontrackers,

    Already having Groove Agent 4 and East-West Prodrummer, I just purchased EZDrummer 2 a few weeks ago and I’m finding myself using it more than either of the other two! I simply love it. Great sound, great flexibility for a product called “EZDrummer”, great expansion packs, and just great ideas on the implementation of features. I know you have plenty more great ideas for EZDrummer 3 but the only thing I really miss in EZD 2 is having separate channels (and therefore, separate outs) for each tom. I do like EQ’ing them separately.

    Thanks for a great product. You now have another fan!


    Cubase Pro, Korg Kronos, M-50, Hammond XK-1c, Toontrack SD3, EZBass w/lots of expansions, many VSL Vi's, Shreddage 3 everything, and shit-tons of FX plugins.

    Phenix 2

    EZD3 ?

    what i notice is that the sounds are superior- more natural in SDD3 for the snares

    so, i would like the same with EZD3

    and with the EZX, some packs really sound dark like “seventies rock” or “big rock drums ”

    i would like a more natural sound but we must pay more for SDD3 and SDX like metal foundry

    You like drums, iconic sounds and drum plugins ?
    > Go and see my Youtube channel : check it out and subscribe !


    seems like nobody was interested in a scaleable GUI in 2018 😉

    License transfer fees countervalue is $ 2,250.00

    So my anger about the Toontrack license transfer fee introduced in June 2021 is not entirely unfounded...


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