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  • willyvee

    Hello All,

    I am in a similar position- last year I pulled the trigger on the Alesis DM10 studio to “upgrade” from my older Roland TD6V/Pintech/Roland kit. The Alesis kit isn’t terrible, but now that I’m looking at expanding my use of edrums beyond my practice studio I am looking for something that simply performs better. I love the results and potential I see with SD2 (the sound is unbelievable), so I am looking for a module that triggers much better than my Dm10 or Trigger IO. My situation is little different in that I will only be using the Module and am going with an A to E conversion from Stealth Drums. There are three solutions I’m looking at in terms of modules: 1) getting a great deal on a TD20 now that the TD30 is out- what helps here is that I’m not concerned about getting the expanded version since I’ll be using Toontrack sounds for the gigs and recording 2)2box – awesome box that you can load the SD2.0 sounds into and not need a computer. I have read a statement that Toontrack is fine (at the moment) with OWNERS of SD2.0 loading their sounds on their 2box modules. Of course, no current US distributor, but I’ve found some great UK shops that are more than reasonable and happy to work with folks in the US. Finally option 3) Megadrum- great DIY TMI that, from what I understand, far surpasses the Trigger IO. This is a pretty involved project, but it may be possible to find someone willing to sell the completed box. Also, I beleive I recall reading where the developer would build the box for you (for a charge, of course).

    For my gigging rig I’d love to go with the 2box only because it means no computer to haul around. I wouldn’t mind also picking up either a TD20 or a mega drum simply as back up (of course, these would both require the computer with SD2.0 loaded, not a huge deal, but it would be great to simply run the SD2.0 sounds from one box. For my current gig having an ekit that looks acoustic will be key also, but that is just my current situation

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