Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

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  • teacha

    I purchased EZ Drummer 2 (W/Songwriter pack) a couple of weeks ago. I spent several days experimenting with the preset drum grooves and fills. In short: About 80 percent of these drum grooves and fills were terribly inconsistent with the description given, and the ‘variation’ buttons offered for each setting gave little to no variation at all.
    It is almost as if the programmer had assigned tracks with no thought of how the groove would be applied to an actual song.

    As example:
    A simple Midtempo-Straight 4/4 -Verse groove variations sound like a drum solo in progress, sounds nothing like you’d hear in the ‘verses’ of a song.
    The Ballad straight 4/4 verse variations sound like rock grooves. And again, the variation buttons are simply much of the same. Attempting to ‘Edit’ these grooves for applicability to a song becomes exasperating and time-consuming.

    Without going into extensive analysis, the above pretty much sums up my experience with this software. It was frustrating beyond words to try and use the inferior presets that make up this pack.
    Much to my surprise, there is nowhere on the website to actually CONTACT someone about this matter. I want a REFUND for a product I feel was misrepresented about its functions and applicability.
    In the absence of getting a prompt reply from Toontrack, I will continue seeking means of resolve and posting my evaluation of EZ Drummer 2 on various sites (Like YouTube) where this product is shown in such flawless form.

    Hope to hear from Support on this matter soon!

    Operating system: Windows 10
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