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  • Drew Hallenbeck

    Johan, Thanks!

    Still trying to get used to the new forum. Little different than the last. As far as my history is concerned, don’t fret it. I am seeing that the forum changes weren’t just design, but also functionality. The history I was speking of was not so much my previous posts as it was settings for my user account.

    Thanks again.

    Drew Hallenbeck

    Still too difficult for the average software company to get a hold of support directly with out weeding through the questions. Sorry.

    Maybe you should rename the section in the drop down “FAQ/Contact Support” Cool

    Not to be a smart a$$, but I went to the section thinking I was going to be able to contact someone but was left confused at a bunch of questions.

    Any way, just thought amongst the few other learning curve and nuances of the changes, that would be one that would curb some of the frustration that I’ve seen people have on the sites forum as of late.


    Drew Hallenbeck

    Thanks for looking into this for me. I guess my next question is, now that I have the EZD2 support forum… are there forums for the other Toontrack products I own? SD2, EZKeys, EZMix?

    Also, is there a settings area to enable emails for when activity occurs on my posts? Though I like the redesign, I feel a bit lost in the transition (partially due to the fact that the forum thinks I am new and all my history on the previous forum is lost Cry )

    Drew Hallenbeck

    It seems that this will be the case for most audio software designers I expect. XP is fairly new in it’s unsupported days. I can see why devs will step away from it too. Looks like the state people are in with their XP world will become somewhat at a standstill as the exist now. It is the unfortunate reality of computers. To be honest, I think Microsoft was doing a huge favour keeping that OS kicking. If it wasn’t the disaster of Vista it probably be long gone forever ago. None the less, I think Win7 is pretty stout and 8.1 not so far behind.

    Drew Hallenbeck

    That is a fair assessment as to why you did not add the further “complexity”. As I said, the fact that you can get the song 90% there is still amazing. Taking it into the DAW for the extra tweaks is not a big deal at all really. All and all without overthinking a wish list that is out of scope with the “EZ” part of EZDrummer… you guys did an amazing job! Thanks again.

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