One day only: 17 classic EKX expansions at up to 40% off!*

One day only: 17 classic EKX expansions at up to 40% off!*

One day only: 17 classic EKX expansions at up to 40% off!*

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  • Jake Reed just released his second Super Dead Drums  sample pack Vol 2. It sounds AWESOME!!! Jake has mastered exactly what everyone on this thread wants so bad.

    Toontracks!!! You would do well to do an expansion pack and hire Jake Reed to do the drums. He has mastered this quintessential tone. He is the guy who you should showcase with this new EZX. I know it would be super popular. I would buy it in a heartbeat. I own Jake’s original sample pack of Super Dead Drums and I have to laboriously import them into Superior Drummer 3 but it would be soooo nice to just have them automatically in Superior Drummer. Please Please Please Toon Tracks… please listen to what your loyal customers have been craving for. A bonus to this dream expansion pack would also focus on more 60’s-70’s rock style drum fills. Drum fills are always the weak link in Superior Drummer 3 for me. I always struggle finding fills that I hear in my head. Anyhow… this is my request to Tune tracks. Please!!!

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