Yamaha DTXplorer DFH2.0

E-drum Workshop
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  • Rogue

    Hi – the crossover points depend on library but generally speaking the close sounds trigger with values above 120 and the most open one with values under 10. Divide in between to have a rough reference scale.

    … the main problem I see with the values sent by your module is that a value of 127 triggers ‘Tight’ articulations so you indeed would not be getting regular closed sounds with the above. The workaround would be for you to select the HatsTrig articulation (‘edit articulation only’) in S2 and lower the ‘Hard’ velocity value to 125. This effectively will put the ‘tight’ samples off limits.

    Alternatively you could set the Tight articulations layers populations to 0-0-0 but the above is much faster to perform and will do the trick equally well.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

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