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Wonderful answer from Toontracks Supportpartner Obedia

E-drum Workshop
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  • Damian Blunt

    Don’t sell your VH-11!

    There is no reason that it shouldn’t work properly…Is your your TD-20 set to factory defaults?….If it is then make sure you have downloaded the lastest version of S2 from your user area, go to the ‘mapping’ tab, just above the virtual keyboard at the bottom you’ll find the MIDI preset dropdown. Go to MIDI> note mapping> and select the ‘edrum’ preset. Next go to the ‘pedal correction presets and choose the best one that fits your setup, most likely ‘More Closed Curve 2’

    If this does not work then post up and we’ll take it from there…..there are lots of things to try, it’s just a case of finding which is the thing that isn’t set properly.

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance

    thomas Lindström

    Thanx for a really quick reply!
    I’m afraid I already sold my VH-11 just a couple of hour ago, after trying the e-drum midimapping and the different curves, going through the options in the intrument section, adjusting hihat, hihatstand, tried different adjustments in the TD-20… think you get my point , had this problem for to long now.

    This is one of many threads I’ve followed trying to solve the problem:
    It seems like more people than me experience problems with the VH-11.

    I just want a fully functional system without problems.
    My question from the beginning was if VH-12 will work better? Or Hart HH?
    Still want to know…


    Damian Blunt

    The problem mentioned at the v-drum forum is completely different and relatively minor compared to the issues you are describing….Until you find out what is causing your particular problem I doubt whether a vh-12 or hart hihat is going to improve things.

    I used a VH-11 for a long time and it functioned fine….I could get closed open and all the inbetween levels of openness no problem….Personally I prefer my VH-12 to the VH-11 but that is mostly down to feel.

    It’s a pity you sold the VH-11 before you posted – If you had some MIDI that you had recorded with it, it would have been relatively simple to solve the problem.

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance

    thomas Lindström

    Thanx anyway, first class support here.
    Just fyi I had 4 pages of different solutions i collected from forums and I’ve tried them all.
    Maybe it’s time to upgrade anyway, and if the problems endure I know where to go…

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