One day only: Up to 20% off all individual EBXs for EZbass!*

One day only: Up to 20% off all
individual EBXs for EZbass!

One day only: Up
to 20% off all individual EBXs
for EZbass!


Requests and Feedback
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  • Matthewrayrgv

    My wishlist

    Superior Drummer SDX Jazz With midi by Steve Jordan.
    Songwriter Pack made by Nir z since being a session drummer is his specialty
    Toontrack Keys, A actual piano sample library with several mics tweaking capabilities as Superior drummer. (Room bottom floor Jazz mic ect)
    Toontrack Vintage organs.
    Superior Drummer Avatar Volume 2, Different room in avatar studio with different Kit.

    Future Sample Drummers
    Stevie Jordan
    More NIR Z
    J.J Johnson

    Extra Wishlist
    More samples of riding a crash or hitting the bell of the crash, splash ect
    Names of the microphones in the mixer


    ORIGINAL: Matthewrayrgv

    Noise Gate disable on mics (Don’t think I don’t listen closely)

    Not on any product I’ve had a hand in.
    I think you might be hearing the sample fades.
    All drums and cymbals are recorded wide open. But you have to end the sample somewhere. Once the ring of the drum has faded, all you’re left with is background noise, and that’s generally where Toontrack put a fade.


    really? Good point! But I was looking at an image in the media section of Allaire Kits and it was an image of a paper with the chain of each mic and it showed that one of the mics was ran through a noise gate.


    I’m just guessing, but that may well have been either the Sansamp or Bullet channel.


    And he sad he was listening closely .


    Yes, one mic does not set the standard for an entire product line.
    Most likely the gate was used very lightly on a very noisy source (like a guitar amp distortion unit).


    lol yea You would know this better than I. thanks for the clarification!


    Stewart Copeland Pack. Zenyatta Mondatta/Ghost in the machine timeframe if it matters.

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