Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Where is the software i just bought??!!

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  • John

    Edit: EZDrummer 3 is pretty much unusable in my MacBook M3, it has so much latency!

    Hi, then something must be wrongly configured on your setup. On my MBP M1 with an Apollo x4, I can get down to 16 samples (0,3ms) audio buffer size @48kHz, which would be equal to sitting about 10,2 cm (0,33 feet) from the sound source with regards to latency.
    What kind of audio interface are you using? How is it configured in the EZD3 Audio/MIDI setup? Does it have its own Control Panel/Mixer config?

    BTW, it is better if you continue this in the EZdrummer Help section of the Forum:


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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