What do I buy? TD-20, TD-12 or TD-9 ?????

E-drum Workshop
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  • magicdog

    If you only want to use the kit with VST drums (not the module sounds), why would you buy any Roland or Yamaha module…?

    You are paying for a huge amount of technology that you will never use so it seems like a big waste of money to me.

    I only use VST drums and have no use for the module sounds so I custom built a system with Roland pads and cymbals, Alesis and Roland trigger-only units (no module sounds) and it works great.

    I reckon I have saved thousands by opting to avoid buying a module.

    Joseph Teresi

    What do you mean? Please elaborate 🙂 Do you have any pictures of what you built?



    I use a Roland TMC-6 (6 triggers) and an Alesis DM5 (12 more triggers…!) these are triggered from a variety of (mostly) Roland pads and cymbals which play my VSTs via MIDI on the PC.

    The whole setup cost me no more than £400 (not including the PC of course…!).

    Damian Blunt

    I have been through several different kit configurations and now use a TD-12 module, a TMC-6 and hybrid set of pads that is close to a TD-20….The TMC-6 and TD-12 actually give me more options than a TD-20 alone….ie more than one 3 zone cymbal…

    I get what magicdog is saying about doing things cheaply….but if you want things like positional sensing on the snare, tom rims or the ability to use a VH-12 hihat then the TD-20 or ,my preferred choice, the TD-12 is the way to go..

    You could also check out yamaha etc…..but for me it’s Roland all the way

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance


    You could make your own edrums and just buy the brain.  I made mine for less than $80.  The feel better than the TD-20 kit also.  I think the TD-20 brains are going for $1200 on ebay.  So, this could save you money and you could have a better kit.  I am currently working on some cymbals that will be posted later.  Just encase you are interested.   http://www.folsom-tech.com


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