Using the Tap 2 find feature

Studio Corner
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  • Scott Eshleman

    Do you use a Mac or PC and what host are you using?
    Are you using EZD2 in standalone or with a host? If hosted, what host are you using?
    How are you changing the tempo of the editted groove now?

    Scott Eshleman

    After letting on your question simmer a little, it occurred to me that your post stated that you “go into the tap 2 find feature to edit it”.

    The Tap2Find function is used primarily to help you find grooves that match or closely match a groove that you drag or create there.
    Tap2Find is not the place to create or edit the grooves that you want to use in the EZD2 song track or in your host/DAW.
    Creating or editing grooves is accomplished using the “Edit Play Style” function;
    described in the EZD2 Operation Manual starting on page 26.

    “Edit Play Style is a powerful feature that can be used to modify how individual instruments
    in grooves added to the Song Track play back. Any single instrument or the whole kit can
    be affected by Edit Play Style.”


    I kind of figured it out, but it still wont do exactly what I want it to do. I feel I wasted almost 200 paying for it. Also, I am not running EZDrummer through anything, it opens by itself, how do I get those files into my recording program? I cant import it because its saved as a “.ezpd” How do I get to convert to an MP3?

    Scott Eshleman

    @LordBrutusIII said:

    I kind of figured it out, but it still wont do exactly what I want it to do. I feel I wasted almost 200 paying for it. Also, I am not running EZDrummer through anything, it opens by itself, how do I get those files into my recording program? I cant import it because its saved as a “.ezpd” How do I get to convert to an MP3?

    Since you haven’t specified what recording software you intend to use, or whether you’re using a Mac or PC,
    I’ll ask you to please refer to the operation manual provided with that recording software regarding the use of plugins therein.

    EZdrummer 2 is primarily designed as an instrument plug-in to be used in a compatible host DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).
    Instrument plug-ins are basically extensions of the host application.

    As a plug-in, EZdrummer 2 can be used in several different ways:
    • As a pure sound source, taking advantage of the pristine quality and mixing control of the recorded instruments but using the MIDI sequencing facilities of the host application.
    • As a sound source and groove generator, using the supplied MIDI grooves as a basis for the drum track but still using your host application sequencer.
    • Or you can utilize the the powerful built-in Song Track features in EZdrummer 2 to create your drum track by using it as a “slave” device where the EZdrummer 2 transport follows the host device. You can at any time transfer the contents of the drum track to the host application to continue working on it.

    and YES, EZdrummer 2 can also function 100% as a “standalone” device without any need for a host application.

    Instead of beating your head against the wall, trial-and-error-style, I suggest spending a few minutes with the EZDrummer2 Operation Manual (found in the ‘Menu’ dropdown in the upper-left-hand corner of the UI). It’s a very short read with lots of screenshots and bold print.

    There’s also a number of videos posted on the EZD2 product page. Scroll down and watch a few. They’re well worth the effort.


    Yeah I’m not very tech savy dude so my bad. I am using a PC, and I am using Adobe Audtition 1.5. I know its an outdated recording program but I feel its the easiest and best program to use. What I mean by it not doing what I want is the other drum machines have the ability for you to click a square where you want that specific sound to be at, such as fruity loops, beatcraft, and rhythm rascal. And I know it can be used as a standalone program thats how I am using it now, I don’t know how to run it through anything else, which is probably why I am banging my head against the wall every 5 minutes when I’m trying to create ANYTHING use EZ Drummer.

    Scott Eshleman

    What I think that what you’re describing is a Piano Roll Editor-style interface, which EZDrummer2 does not have (at the present time).
    You can post your vote among others (like myself) for such a Feature Request on that thread here on the forum.
    More commonly, piano roll editors are a function of the host recording software (DAW)
    or beat-making plugins such as those that you have mentioned.

    While its new songwriting features bring it closer to that beat-making/pattern-making realm,
    EZDrummer2 remains a (preeminent) drum virtual instrument/sound module with its own player capable of playing its samples with a vast array of velocities. You might more appropriately categorize EZDrummer2 with other virtual instruments like Trilian, Native Instruments Komplete or Omnisphere.

    Now when speaking to your use of Adobe Audition 1.5 for your recording software,
    according to Wikipedia, ( ), support for virtual instruments may not have been introduced ’til version 2. If that is the case, you could create/assemble your drum groove in the EZDrummer2 song track and then use the “Export Song as WAV File” function from the menu in the top right of the song track. (see screenshot) and then import that WAV file into Audition.



    Firstly thank you so much for showing that pic. That helps tremendously with the recording program I am using. As for the piano roll type thing you were explaining I think you are correct and I would like them to add that feature in. that would be to sick.

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