I have been visiting the forums as a guest many times and I think it´s time to get registrered 😉
Is there anyone out there using Sonar who can help me? Been searching but havent found a solution to my problem. I recently bought the Sonar 8.5 and I have tried to set it up to work with my Superior Drummer 2 and my e-drum set. Before I used Adobe Audition 3 and it all worked. The problem with Audition is that it isn´t really great for e-drumming since the MIDI has a “mind of it´s own” sometimes 😉
In Sonar I get SD2 to appear, through the “synth rack” and making a MIDI track. But it won´t play and I can´t hear any sounds. Neither does it buffer, as if it isnt activated within the program. I have set the input and output to my MIDI cable and for it to send through channel 10. But there must be something I´m missing?
If anyone has a good “step by step” guide or anything I would be extremely thankful!