Rock/Pop – very first piece

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  • BigJguitar

    Im a fan of the ” I dont care” as well. I was in the same boat as you brother, all this music and no drummer. Toontrack fixed that. I think your recording sounds great, you should give yourself more credit, Ive heard way worse!
    lol yes, there IS alot of metal in here, I love driving my follow toontackers here crazy when I use metal machine kit for rock songs So keep up the good work bro! I wanna hear some lyrics over this next time


    thank you man, for your warm words 🙂 Let’s see if I can get my brother-in-law to sing over it … so pro! 😀



    I agree with the above poster, you don’t give yourself enough credit.
    It sounds like you’re using very inexpensive software/hardware for recording and mixing, but you would never know it from the results.
    I’ve been recording and mixing for years with good hardware and software but I still suck at it.
    Your song sounds very Dave Matthews like of which I’m a fan. The guitar playing is outstanding in my opinion!
    Find a singer to sing over it and it will be even better.
    I started out like you (songs with no vocals), but eventually began singing the songs myself.
    I’m not much of a singer and have a very narrow range, but I’m not tone deaf, so I decided to start doing the vocals myself.
    Some songs I still crinch when I hear the vocals, but most I don’t mind and I’ve had some local bands showing interest in covers or remixes, so that felt pretty good.

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000

    Michael Yates

    new to this forum so I was browsing around today. heard your recording; its great! true, it does remind me of Dave Mathews. Thumbs up!

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