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remove quantize in Cubase?

Studio Corner
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  • Scott

    There are a couple of things to note regarding quantizing in the drum editor in Cubase.

      [*]If Snap is deactivated on the toolbar, the note will appear exactly where you clicked. In this mode, notes can be positioned freely.[*]If Snap is activated and Use Global Quantize is deactivated on the toolbar, the note will snap to positions according to the quantize value set for the sound in the drum sound list. You can set up different quantize values for different drum sounds. (You may for example want hi-hat notes snap to sixteenth notes, but snare and bass drum snap to eighth notes.)[*]If both Snap and Use Global Quantize are activated, the note will snap to positions according to the Quantize setting on the toolbar (next to the Use Global Quantize button).

    If you want to just point and click a drum hit in without quantizing at all, just make sure Snap is deactivated (in the pic below, Snap is ‘activated’).

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Ok thanks.
    Question: In the pic u used, Use Global Quantize is off, but the quantize window (where it says 1/16) is on. In my version, if the Q is not selected/blue, that bar is not available to change. I also see you are using a GRID. Is that the Quantize setting you referred to, or the next window with 1/16 in it?
    Should I use GRID…is there another option? Sorry I cant see my set up right now as SD is on another computer.
    The only scenario you didn’t cover was if Snap is deactivated and Q is activated. Does this do anything different?

    You can set up different quantize values for different drum sounds. (You may for example want hi-hat notes snap to sixteenth notes, but snare and bass drum snap to eighth notes.)

    how do access the drum sound list to make changes like that? Sorry this is such a long-winded question, but after drum sequencing on C4LE for over a year now, I had no idea this was possible. I thought you just had to snap to the grid and use the feature (cant think of the name while not looking at it…swing, maybe?) to move things around a bit.
    A link to a tutorial will sub for an explanation if it takes more time than you have.
    Thanks again.


    Question: In the pic u used, Use Global Quantize is off, but the quantize window (where it says 1/16) is on. In my version, if the Q is not selected/blue, that bar is not available to change.

    The pic is from the Cubase LE4 manual() and if you have Use Global Quantize off, the quantize dropdown menu window will not be active, you are right.

    Should I use GRID…is there another option?

    There are other options but it shouldn’t matter if you have Snap ‘Off’.

    The only scenario you didn’t cover was if Snap is deactivated and Q is activated. Does this do anything different?

    With Snap deactivated, having Q activated won’t affect anything.

    how? Sorry this is such a long-winded question, but after drum sequencing on C4LE for over a year now, I had no idea this was possible.

    OK. I will assume you are using the S2 ‘Avatar’ library and are using the drum map for it. If you’re not using the drum map, you can download them from your Toontrack account under the ‘Download’ area.

    If you are using the drum map, open the Drum Map Setup window (in your MIDI track click the ‘drumstick’ icon and select ‘Drum Map Setup’). You should see the drum map details and there is a column named ‘Quantize’. I think they are all set to 1/16 by default. You can click on one of the articulations and change them to the quantize value of your choice. Remember you need to have Snap activated and Use Global Quantize deactivated for it to work.

    So, if you just want to freely point and click in hits exactly where you want them and not have things snapped/quantized, make sure Snap is off.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    u guys kick ass. Not even a Toontrack question! HA! Thanks so much

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