Pain Sublime

User demos
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  • Mark Grant

    Hey man,

    I like your song a lot! Really digging the big fuzzy guitar sound. Reminds of some old Black Sabbath.  Great dirty Bass sound as well, but it kind of gets drowned out by the guitars. I wonder if you could cut some low end off the guitars to make the Bass & Drums stand out a bit more when everything is churning along.

    Really nice heavy groove at the end. Love the way it drags. Overall really cool tune. Do you mind sharing your Guitar and Bass setup on this track.





    The brightness of the bass sound disappears a little in the mix, that is true. This is difficult to avoid, at least at my level of (limited) experience of mixing. The lower frequencies are reasonably separated, I think. I high-passed the guitars at around 100-150 Hz. Didn’t want to go any higher, since I needed the guitars to “growl” quite a bit… 🙂

    So, for all the guitar parts I used a Gretsch White Falcon (VS 59, with TV-Jones Classics, set to bridge pick-up only and no tone-cut). I used the following basic signal chain:

    Marshall BB-2 pedal (boost mode, vol 12 o’clock, tone 9 o’clock, no gain)
    MXR Super Badass Variac Fuzz pedal (variac at zero – i.e. 5V voltage, gain 1 o’clock, tone and output at 10 o’clock)
    DI (Apollo Twin) into Logic Pro
    I recorded using an emulated Marshall Plexi Super Lead 1959 100w (UAD/Softube) in Unison mode, as clean as possible…

    For some parts I added a Mooer Tender Octaver (swell mode, full “sub”, no “upper” and max. “dry”)

    For the bass track, I used my Ibanez SDGR 5-string, straight into the DI, recording it with an emulated Ampeg SVT-VR 300w with 8×10 cab (also UAD).







    Thanked by: Mark Grant
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