Need help setting up EZDrummer 2 in Cubase 8 – Multi-outputs issues !

Studio Corner
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  • Scott

    You’ll need to create a Group bus and send those channels to it. Then you can mute/solo/set volume level on that channel and control all the channels together.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Okay thank you ! Sorry I’m beginning with Cubase so just one more question, how do I “send” the channels to the Group track ? Because I can’t set them “under” the Group Track in my Cubase Session ?


    It’s under the Routing output in the mixer at the top of each channel. You can choose the output routing of each track.

    I use Cubase 8.5 so I’m not sure about Cubase Elements. A bit of Cubase manual may be in your future Wink

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Ben Callard


    I’m still missing an answer for the OP’s other question about renaming the entire VST track when changing the name of the track that the output EZ1 is going to. I assigned each piece of the kit in the EZD mixer to a different output, from 1 to 8 and activated those outputs in the VST in Cubase. I can rename the tracks in Cubase (EZ2 -> Snare Top, EZ4 -> Hi-Hat etc) but when I rename EZ1 (e.g. Kick) the main VST track is also renamed (similar to the photo in the original post).

    I guess I’m just missing something basic, but I haven’t got my head round it yet.

    Any tips gratefully received!



    I’m still missing an answer for the OP’s other question about renaming the entire VST track when changing the name of the track that the output EZ1 is going to. I assigned each piece of the kit in the EZD mixer to a different output, from 1 to 8 and activated those outputs in the VST in Cubase. I can rename the tracks in Cubase (EZ2 -> Snare Top, EZ4 -> Hi-Hat etc) but when I rename EZ1 (e.g. Kick) the main VST track is also renamed (similar to the photo in the original post).

    I guess I’m just missing something basic, but I haven’t got my head round it yet.

    Any tips gratefully received!

    I believe if you load EZD2 from the Instrument Rack and not as an Instrument Track, you can rename the first output.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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