MasterCard Problems?

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  • Scott

    I don’t think anyone on the forum will have an answer.

    Go to the site and drop the TT office a note by clicking the ‘About-Contact Shipping/Office’ link.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    We see problems with the webshop every now and then. From my experience, it is almost every time due to one of the following reasons;
    1. Our payment service provider Payex has issues with their systems, or making server updates and whatnot.
    2. The card is not valid. We only accept the regular versions of VISA and MasterCard.

    The only advice I can give in these situations is to try again, and with another card if possible.

    Martin Kristoffersson
    Sound Designer


    I had the same problem. Because the site that handles their money is based in Europe I can’t use my debit card. I had the same problem with Ableton because they are based in Germany. Toontrack needs to offer other methods of buying the midi packs or I am out of luck. They should offer the midi packs at Guitar Center like they do for the drummer pack add-ons. We can just buy a key code in a box.


    I have the same problem. Trying to purchase EZMix and it just won’t go through. It’s very frustrating! I tried contacting throught the about link but it requiers a web order number. I don’t get that far to get a number. What is one to do??

    Platinum Samples

    Some banks will block international credit card purchases for your protection. ‘Phone your bank and ask them to “open” it for your purchase.


    Professionally Recorded Multitrack Drum Samples

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