Hit Factory Song – Keep Your Doctor

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  • Christian Derdul

    Haha! that’s pretty funny : ) and funky too

    Mac Pro 4.1, 2.26 GHz 8 Core, 28 GB RAM, OS X 10.10.5, Logic Pro 10.2.0, Apogee Duet


    ORIGINAL: The Now

    Haha! that’s pretty funny : ) and funky too

    Thanks Christian! 🙂

    Since I just got a notice in the mail that my company provided health insurance is being cancelled and I wanted to play some guitar, bass, and drums on something, this song seemed like the perfect avenue to play some music and vent!

    Christian Derdul

    ORIGINAL: Glennbo

    Thanks Christian! 🙂

    Since I just got a notice in the mail that my company provided health insurance is being cancelled

    Sorry to hear that. Vent away my friend!

    Mac Pro 4.1, 2.26 GHz 8 Core, 28 GB RAM, OS X 10.10.5, Logic Pro 10.2.0, Apogee Duet

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