Been a while since anyone posted a request for EZGuitar, maybe it’s time.
I’ve been using Superior Drummer 3, EZDrummer 3, EZ Bass, and EZKeys 2, and I love ’em all, not just for the sound quality and excellent programming tools, but for the integration in the ways they work together. With the features of these programs, Toontrack has created an incredible workflow that is consistent across all of their instruments and is versatile almost beyond imagination. And it is rock solid and intuitive after using it a while. In my experience, no other company comes close.
But there’s a huge and significant gap in “the band” because there is no EZGuitar to complement the other instruments. All of the available guitar VSTi’s have limitations requiring somewhat tedious workarounds, and Toontrack has already demonstrated its ability to get past those limitations.
OK, I play guitar, so – in theory – I can just mic/plug in a guitar and lay down a track reasonably quickly, and I often do that. I also record “live” keyboardists, bassists, and drummers. But for songwriting, arranging, and laying down guide tracks to record to, I work with MIDI instruments. The advantage is, I can change keys/tempo, swap out chords, change instruments, and more, to shape the song. And if I get that midi refined enough for the guide track, I often keep it in the final recording without re-recording my own playing.
Thing is, I KNOW Toontrack can do this…actually, they already have. My favorite “guitar” VST right now is EZKeys 2. With its new interface and expanded capabilities, I can play a part, send EZK2 MIDI out to one (or two) of my guitar VSTs, mute the piano, tweak a MIDI guitar part (including melody and strumming), automate the parameters of the guitar VSTs, and my Toontrack “band” has a guitar player, with the many tweaks and refinements that Toontrack offers.
But I keep thinking how wonderful it would be if I had a dedicated EZGuitar VSTi to do all of this “under one roof,” with all that Toontrack finesse. EZK2 is brilliant; I have every reason to believe EZGuitar is within reach and would be equally brilliant.
Maybe if enough of us request it, this would happen (maybe even soon). Toontrack was certainly responsive to those of us asking for an upright EZBass.
So, how ’bout it? Are you ready to “meet your new guitar player”?
I think I am. The Upright EBX has been a game changer, so many new instruments for EZ Keys 2, EZ Bass, EZ Drummer 3, Superior Drummer 3, and FX For EZMix 2 (EZ Mix 3 is coming in August) have really song covers get super cool. So I’d say let’s add EZGuitar.
I believe that toontrack would surely come up with EZ Guitars Vst in 2024 and it would be the best
I agree with the OP in this. As a keyboard composer, I know I can play virtually any keyboard themed plugin. I started programming a drum machine in the 80s starting with Roland TR-303 unit. Toontrack has realy elevated what’s possible nowadays.
I consider myself a ‘keytarist’ as well when I need a power ballad 80s style guitar solo with the works. Vir2 came out with a plugin named Electri6ity that sampled the top 8 most popular electric guitars.
I was cutting my teeth on how to use it on my midi keyboard and came close enough with a Steve Lucather solo.
But we need more finesse guitarists doing their thing like in their respective playing atyles like those EZBass expansion packs bassists players do.
But I’ve tried using guitar plugins, but that’s for real guitarists.
As a drummer with a huge Roland TD50 kit, Superior Drummer 3 is like going to the BEST studio in the world to record drums. EZ Bass and EZ Keys are my band. I would love to incorporate EZ Guitar! – Currently I’m using Shreddage 3 Jupiter by Impact Soundworks, and It’s Killer as it pretty much works like all of the Toontrack products. But, I know Toontrack will knock EZ Guitar out of the park if they would make and release it!
Here’s a link to a killer Guitar Plugin like Toontrack for guitar for those like me that can’t wait:
Please make and release EZ Guitar as I know it’s possible
Thank you!
I’d agree that EZ Guitar should come next because imagine how much fun we could have w/ new song covers.
Song covers …
Now there’s a massive potential for EZGuitar (or whatever it may be called).
1-handed guitarist here. I’m serious.
Median and ulnar nerves were seriously damaged, so I’ve got some 2 years of reeducation left. Heh, not gonna stop me.
I’m kind of a genre-smasher (S-words and G-words have been around for too long now).If anyone has a real aesthetic sense that’s not “just going against a mainstream”, and a guitarist of course, hit me up!
[postquote quote=3342175]
EZ Guitar will be added when the time comes so #Fingerscrossed
Thanks for your encouraging words. I mean, it’s #Fingerscrossed for EZGuitar and on a personal note, lasting recovery.
Hey, hasn’t Fredrik (Thordendal) got a phalanx injury and has been playing in what ultimately led to an improvement of his already impressive style ?
Sorry for the digression.
I was thinking again about cover songs… and then I realized that most of the time, it’s hard to tell what a guitar is doing exactly. I remember my early days with a bass guitar buddy playing as high as I did (that was before I adopted an 8-string and brought it down to E instead of F♯).
I had quite the talk with folks I’m not affiliated with and not advertising for, but if you think about it all from a percussionist’s perspective, the « recent » use of electronics by Veil of Maya, Born of Osiris and others like Orbit Culture has a lot in common. What is a percussionist and bass guitarist having in mind when it comes to guitar (such a broad term) is probably the use in cover songs and originals of EDM thumping along blast beats (at least four of them exist) and sub-bass synth thickness, along with some added low pitched synths to fill the gap. I’m thinking out very loud here but lately, I’ve been listening again to breakneck Bay Area thrash as well as contemporary metal (I play Renaissance and Baroque music, or globally anything from the late 15th to early 19th century, so don’t get a cliché picture)… and that combined with the century-old marriage of electronics and music —think Ondes Martenot, 1928— got me wanting to get a guitar sound that fits perfectly in my EDM-meets-metal-meets-classical-meets-EZGuitar.
I should have mentioned that covers in my world would include a ton of different elements that would otherwise not be put into a single song (and even less in a chorus -verse one. Proggie here).
Well, that’s it. Since I can’t play right now, I’m going to write down some ideas… and I’ll post links to the results if anyone wants to hear them. I’m going to post my Toontrack-helped music anyway, so …
Having a guitar VST that works seamlessly within Toontrack’s existing ecosystem would save so much time and effort, not to mention open up more creative possibilities. The idea of an all-in-one tool that combines MIDI editing, chord progressions, and realistic guitar tones feels like the missing piece in their lineup.
For anyone wanting to level up their playing or understanding of guitar parts before recording, platforms offering online music lessons can also help fill the gap. Developing that deeper familiarity might make the process a bit smoother while we wait for Toontrack to bring this idea to life.
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