EZ Drummer 2 in Superior Drummer

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • paul bergren

    @John said:

    only EZdrummer sounds can be used in EZdrummer, no Superior SDX sounds.

    Bummer. I would buy EZ Drummer 2 if I could use my Superior sounds in it. They were expensive. In the past, I have been able to buy EZ Drummer 1 sounds and use them in Superior. Why no cross compatibility the other way?


    @paul said:

    @John said:

    only EZdrummer sounds can be used in EZdrummer, no Superior SDX sounds.

    Bummer. I would buy EZ Drummer 2 if I could use my Superior sounds in it. They were expensive. In the past, I have been able to buy EZ Drummer 1 sounds and use them in Superior. Why no cross compatibility the other way?

    Because of the way that SDXs are designed (bleeds, bit-depth). I’m sure there are other technical reasons why but I’m not sure exactly what they are.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I tried the demo for ez2 but I also ended up buying ez2 cause it seems to sound better than superior.

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