E-Drum Noob wants to get started!

E-drum Workshop
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  • jman 31

    I would say as far as a module goes from my reading you get what you pay for. I ordered an Alesis DM-5 off ebay but I’m still waiting for it so I can’t give you any feed back. You might try going to musiciansfriend.com and looking what people have wrote feedback about the different modules that they offer and then either buy it there or try to find it on ebay.

    I ordered my cables from a guy on ebay. I got 12 various length used cables for $36 w/ shipping and cut them and resoldered the ends to the lengths I needed.

    The piezos I ordered from here. http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=3202&TabID=1&C=SO&U=strat350&doy=search&MenuName=PIEZO+TRANSDUCERS

    Here’s a good list of resources and forums that will help tremendously.  http://www.edrums.info/information.htm

    Good luck. Expect it to be more work than you expected. but its fun and rewarding.

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