Best midi interface?

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    that’s a good setup you have got there, I have got a TD-12 with Hart Pro 5.3 myself.
    Personally, I actually use a Korg padKONTROL as my MIDI Interface for the E-drums and with Toontrack solo I get just below 1,5 ms latency @64.
    This is acceptable as far as I am concerned.
    Going lower will demand much more of your computer and I am not certain your G4 will cut it if you’re planning on tracking (with other tracks and plugins) at a hardware buffer size of 32.
    You would need a PCI or FW based Audio and MIDI setup, I am pretty certain.
    And it greatly depends on your host as well.

    I am sure someone else will chime in with their experiences.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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