bass drum head piezo size questions

E-drum Workshop
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  • Robshi

    Hi. I convertedmy Pearl Export a while back so I’ll give you what tips I can to get you started.

    You can also try here

    Full of advice and help.

    Anyway to answer your questions. The peizos I use are about 30mm in diameter and do a great job. The front bass head can stay on still.
    The crosstalk issue is sorted out in the same way as you would with a conventional e-drum kit via the module.

    Pending on the kind of hardware you are using you may even find less crosstalk.

    For example I only have one tom mounted on my kick the other 2 are stand mounted/floor toms and so the only one I have to worry about crosstalk on is the one on the kick itself as thats the only place where vibrations can pass between peizos.

    Leaving the front head on the kick will have no effect upon the system at all.

    How are you making your triggers? I used a similar design to how roland do it with internal triggers and cones. I found that believe it or not garden knealing mats make great cones if you cut and shape as required then internally mounting a bracket across the drum using the internal log screw holes means you can get the cone in the center of the drum.

    Hope this makes sense. If you need me to clarify just let me know.

    Have fun doing the conversion.



    Hey Rob,

    Thanks for the advice. I will be using a rack to mount everything on. What does one trigger setup usually cost to make? I came across some drumdial triggers w/guards on ebay, a set of 5 for $60. Would I be better off buying these instead of making my own?
     As far as a module goes, I currently have one of those cheap ION IDM02 drum modules with some pads, but I would like to upgrade to a better module. I am limited on funds, but can you suggest a decent module?  I would like one with at least 10 trigger inputs.


    I reckon I was able to convert a drum for about £4-5 (i’m in the UK). I went for DIY triggers partly for cost and partly for the aesthetics of having all the electronics hidden internally.

    AT the end of the day I guess it depends how much you value you time over your money. The cheapest option is probably to go DIY but the easier option is to buy. I get good results from my DIY but they have to be tweaked everynow and then where my build quality goes off (ie tightening screws etc).

    I use a Roland td3 unit which does me well, though if I had the cash I would upgrade.

    THe trigger io has 10 inputs and is possibly the cheapest option out there so may do you well but I have no experience with it myself.

    Don’t think it has any samples built in but my guess is you are using it with toontrack stuff anyway.

    Hope that helps

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