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Assign TD-12 to SD?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Rogue

    In solo, you must select your MIDI interface. It of course must be correctly installed and set up using ‘Audio MIDI setup’, the Apple utility available to manage your equipment.

    Have you gone this far? please supply sufficient description of your difficulties, including identity of this mysterious ‘MIDI to USB device’ you speak of, for us to answer comprehensively and efficiently your question.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    Thanks RM,

    I’m using a Roland UM-1G MIDI to USB device. In Solo the MIDI device is shown as being the UM-1G.

    It’s my understanding that my TD-12 needs to be ‘recognized’ by either Solo and/or SD in order for the pads and cymbals to interface with the SD VST sounds correctly. If so, what I’m trying to find is where within Solo/SD that I do this.

    Is that done on the Toontrack Solo,Options,MIDI tab or on the SD Mapping page?

    MacBook Pro OS X 10.5.8 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3


    solo will ‘listen’ to your MIDI interface, so you won’t find any mention of the TD module in the interface no.

    The only things you need to do is select the ‘e-drum’ note mapping preset in Superior (mapping tab), and quite possibly one if the ‘pedal correction’ available from there too (if you have a VH-11, as I suspect, one of the ‘more closed’ option should be a good starting point).

    Note that solo also has some e-drum specific settings but do not use both, as they are essentially trying to do the same thing and applying note transformation in 2 places can potentially be quite confusing. Superior controls will also work regardless of host is being used for the plugin to operate over, and are more advanced (so it’s an overall better option).

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    Thank you.

    MacBook Pro OS X 10.5.8 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3

    Damian Blunt

    Just a couple of questions…… you definitely have the MIDI output on your TD-12 connected to the MIDI input on your UM-1G?
    Also when you go to MIDI devices in solo is the tickbox next to UM-1G checked?

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance


    Hi GD, thanks for the help.

    I have the UM-1G plugged into the modules MIDI Out/In ports, the UM-1G’s MIDI In light is On and it’s switched to Advanced Driver (in case it matters).

    Here could be the problem. When I go to Toontrack, Options, MIDI Devices it says ‘MIDI Error No MIDI device available’.

    MacBook Pro OS X 10.5.8 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3


    hi, I’m confused – in your earlier post you said that your Roland device appeared in solo. Is this the case or do you get the message you posted in your last report… they are sort of in contradiction so I’m trying to assess what the situation is.

    And in ‘Audio MIDI setup’, does your device appear on the MIDI tab and if you use the ‘test’ facilities available from within this utility application is it conclusive as working (in both direction of the data flow, not that going back out matters mind you).

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

    Damian Blunt

    I think this was solved at the vdrums forum;)

    It was a tickbox unchecked

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance


    Correct! Dummy me. Anyhoo, thanks for your help GD.

    MacBook Pro OS X 10.5.8 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3

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