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There are times when midi velocity is best and times when volume via automation is best,automation of volume in your daw is more akin to balancing and mixing , midi velocity is more akin to what a real drummer is doing like how soft of loud the drum is being hit.
By all means both do crossover but are entirely different.
If using the internal midi loops you can use the velocity knob to make down or up adjustments of midi velocity on a whole midi file before you D&Drop the loop,for example you could take the same 2 bar loop 4 times and try adjusting it way down and then up a bit and up a bit for next so on back to the normal setting each time you drag it and you find you have a build that works over 8 bars.This is seperate to what an engineer can do with the volume fader to set the perfect level for a sound or boosting a certain section .If you just had your drum at one static velocity level and only adjust the fader you are going back closer to the old robotic drum machines days with no real timbre change at all.When a drum is whacked really hard it doesnt sound the same at all to a mid hit or soft hit but the difference is not only volume but tonal.

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