Moving Toontrack products from computer to an external hardrive

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  • Scott Eshleman

    EZBass & EZKeys

    I very recently moved all of my EZ libraries (EZKeys, EZBass & EZDrummer2) to an external drive.

    EZDrummer2 & EZBass libraries were recognized by the standalone apps, the plugins ( and the Product Manager)
    simply by browsing to the new library location within the product itself when prompted.
    (I had to move them first & delete them from the old location.)

    Following the same procedure within EZKeys did not seem to affect the same response.
    My solution was to download and install one of my previously installed EZKeys libraries
    (even though I had already installed & moved it to the new location).
    This effectively seemed to affect the change for ALL of my other EZKeys library expansions & MIDI expansions.

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