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  • TonyBrannan

    Hi Scott

    Just wanted to let you know that the re-install was a big success. EZDrummer now happily in communication with Studio One, and the drum sounds are truly fantastic! Thanks so much for your help!

    Best wishes



    Thanked by: Scott

    Ok Thanks Scott

    Very busy today. But will try this tomorrow and let you know how I get on.



    Hi Scott

    I got a reply from the Tech at PreSonous. Apparently all 3rd party dll files have to go in the C:/ProgramFiles/VSTPlugins folder. This would mean moving or copying the EZdrummer dll from its current location.

    Would this work without having to do a full re-install? I suppose what I mean is, is there a way to change the filepath from EZdrummer to the new dll location. Many thanks for your help with this issue. Tony



    Yeah, strangely the Product Manager is showing Updates in Red. When I click on that it shows “updates for Windows 7 or newer”. This is the 32 & 64 bit vsts I think? So I clicked on install again (even though I’ve already installed these) and it goes through the install again – Even though I can launch EZdrummer 64 from my desktop shortcut. Strange! The installation info tab shows update 2.2.2 available for the 64 bit, so this update clearly isn’t working for some reason and the install updates button remains red.

    I wonder if the update is expecting to find the 64 dll file in the Toontrack folder, when it’s actually in the other filepath. At any rate I think I’m going to try Un / re-installing later. Could you just clarify if I should uninstall my EZX extension and Toontrack Midipack at the same time? Don’t want the re-install to have trouble finding these.



    Hi Scott

    Thanks for the quick reply. Funnily enough the .dll file hadn’t installed the first time, as I found out when I went back to the Installation Manager.

    With the first install I had wanted to change the path to the Studio One Plugin folder. Ironically, I did this because I’d read on a few forums St1 could be temperamental with 3rd party plugins, and the advice was to choose this filepath for the VST. So, I re-installed it and the filepath is

    C:/programfiles/PreSonous/Studio One 5/Plugins   –

    the .dll file is in there now and St1 seems to be able to see it, because the icon shows up in the Instruments Vst2 Folder on the St1 song page. The trouble is when I drag it to an empty track nothing happens! Doesn’t load or launch, no drum graphic, zilch.

    I’m wondering whether I should have created an EZD2 Folder in the Presonous Plugins Folder? The other couple of 3rdparty instruments in there have there own folders, whilst the EZdrummer.dll is just in a list in the general folder along with PreSonous stuff like Ampire.dll. I think this may be the source of the problem.

    I’ve posted on the PreSonous forum but no reply so far. I think I may have to uninstall and re-install everything, as some seemed to have success after doing this. The idea this time will be to just follow the default filepath to the Toontrack folder and point St1 at that.  Can you advise if you think this is a good idea? Also I got a free EZX extension and a Midi drumpack. Should I uninstall these also?

    Sorry about the long message, but I’m pretty confused.




    I’ve just bought and installed EZDrummer 2 (64-bit). I also installed the updates as well as my free EZX extension and a Midi pack I bought in the same purchase.

    I’m running Studio One 5 latest update. When installing I changed the filepath so that EZDrummer VST would install in the Presonous Plugins folder.

    However, I couldn’t find it through Studio One’s “add audio devices”. So I checked with Windows Explorer and, sure enough, the VST is not in the Plugins folder, nor anywhere else that I can find. The Standalone is in the Toontrack folder, but I bought this software specifically to use in my DAW.

    Can anyone tell me what to try? Should I uninstall and then re-install everything? I’m a bit of a novice with this technology so any help would be appreciated!


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