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  • Taffypro


    Thank you for your response. I understand that they are trimmed down and that the SDX bundles are much better. I received a free EZX library when I purchased EZ Drummer (which I haven’t authorized) and I don’t want to buy sounds I already own. Is there any sort of list that would help me sort this out? For example there is the Americana EZX/The Blues EZX//70’s bundle ect..and I am looking for a list of where I can see where any overlap might occur.




    Thanks for all the replies.

    I realize I really need the tap to find function because as I stated before I hear beats in my head but am having a hard time finding anything close in a timely manner.

    So…. Should I buy EZ Drummer 2 or should I hope the next version of SD has this function?

    Will EZ Drummer 2 be able to see the midi files from SD2 (Avatar collection)?

    Is there a way to make a favorites folder of my midi grooves?

    Is there an upgrade package/special pricing to upgrade?

    Thanks again for the help.


    @Juicy…. Perhaps the words “deceived” and “superior” are not being translated properly….. Does “misled” work? Sorry but the sales guy sold it as the “big brother to EZ Drummer 2” and with a name like “Superior” I was hoping it had all the features and a lot more…No question it sounds better, but I need to have a way to find the grooves I am looking for in a comprehensive way…..

    it just feels outdated!


    Just out of curiosity when was the last time Superior Drummer was updated? I don’t mean to gripe, but I guess I fall into the “composer” category, and wish I had known that before buying. I can hear beats in my head, but finding them is basically impossible with this software….

    Just frustrated…..


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