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  • Mark Juliano


    Mark Juliano

    Thanks for the heads up! I always forget about the velocity function! haha

    Mark Juliano

    @terrasini74 said:

    Oh man, i see google results where people are asking in 2012 “is superior drummer 3 coming out soon?” Here we are in 2016 and still no Superior Drummer 3. But i honestly don’t know what they can improve upon! SD 2.3 does everything i can ask for. I guess they could always add more samples, like drum rolls, cymbal swells, etc. Other than that, i don’t have any suggestions. SD 2 is so flexible. The fact that you can edit the articulations is amazing. Like i can have the snare center hit at one volume/pitch, and i can have the rim shot at another volume or pitch.
    I do wish the expansion kits were cheaper. They cost almost as much as SD2 itself.
    I know one thing. If SD3 is released, i for sure am upgrading! But i hope the SDX expansion kits for SD2 will be compatible with SD3(if it’s ever released).

    Yes they definitely need to improve either built in effects to be on par with BFD3 sound quality or use better effects/processing when they record. eegh eemmm… Tube Distortion is much needed Toontrack!!

    Mark Juliano

    nevermind i got both discs……..

    Mark Juliano

    That would be really cool. I’d also love to see ToonTrack start to really focus even more on authentic, natural and focused sounding tone and attack of the drum samples. The application itself is excellent and doesn’t need much improvement at all. A+

    Mark Juliano

    anyone here? hello?

    Mark Juliano

    @Scott said:

    @jules_8 said:

    @gseshleman said:

    page 52 of the SuperiorDrummer Operation Manual (Section 8.2):

    …the microphone BLEED SECTION has a substantial impact on your system’s resources –
    each time an instrument is ‘heard’ through an additional microphone, more samples are being utilized.
    Each ‘voice’ creates additional demands on your computer’s memory and CPU, so additional bleed can negatively
    affect these resources, if left totally unmanaged.

    To help relieve your system, especially if you intend to use numerous FX in the Mixer, SUPERIOR allow you to
    optimize the voice count for each and every instrument present in the Studio window. Again the ‘Voices and
    Layers’ section is where the optimization takes place. Simply select any instrument combination using the usual
    shortcuts and type the desired value in the ‘Voice Limit’ field:

    The number of voices for an instrument dictates how many concurrent samples of the same articulation are
    allowed to ring until automatic muting of the lowest in volume occurs. High values require more CPU.

    [Tips] Note that the Voice Limit can be specified at articulation level using the switch.

    hmm i read that in the manual, but i asked for a good setting not an explanation. what are people generally using for this setting with a high performing computer? 10, 20, 30, 80?

    Well, you did ask what voice limit is. I keep mine at unlimited.

    haha but not really like that and you meant layer limit. thx for the voice limit suggestion i give it a try.

    Mark Juliano

    i fixed the volume of the low floor tom or floor toms both had the same issue just floor tom 2 was worse. it was the default stereo panning in sd2. i run line/mono out to a loud speaker so all my channel pans had to be set all the way to the left to get the most volume out of the speaker.

    Mark Juliano
    Mark Juliano

    @gseshleman said:

    page 52 of the SuperiorDrummer Operation Manual (Section 8.2):

    …the microphone BLEED SECTION has a substantial impact on your system’s resources –
    each time an instrument is ‘heard’ through an additional microphone, more samples are being utilized.
    Each ‘voice’ creates additional demands on your computer’s memory and CPU, so additional bleed can negatively
    affect these resources, if left totally unmanaged.

    To help relieve your system, especially if you intend to use numerous FX in the Mixer, SUPERIOR allow you to
    optimize the voice count for each and every instrument present in the Studio window. Again the ‘Voices and
    Layers’ section is where the optimization takes place. Simply select any instrument combination using the usual
    shortcuts and type the desired value in the ‘Voice Limit’ field:

    The number of voices for an instrument dictates how many concurrent samples of the same articulation are
    allowed to ring until automatic muting of the lowest in volume occurs. High values require more CPU.

    [Tips] Note that the Voice Limit can be specified at articulation level using the switch.

    hmm i read that in the manual, but i asked for a good setting not an explanation. what are people generally using for this setting with a high performing computer? 10, 20, 30, 80?

    Mark Juliano

    @Henrik said:

    Have you tried to change velocity curve for tom 2? You can set the curve so that you don’t have to hit your e-drum that hard to produce a loud hit from Superior Drummer 2.¨
    Drag the right handle left (as shown in screenshot, right lower corner). It’s found in the Mapping tab (on the top of the screenshot, also marked in a red ring).mapping.png

    Thanks so much man I did think about that but I don’t want to change the dynamicscurve I want to keep it as default as possible just louder volume. Its a tricky one.

    Mark Juliano

    i need the exact same help. can you help me map 2box to sd2 midi? and the hh midi correctly?

    Mark Juliano

    @cwdrums2003 said:

    When searching across the net for answers to this problem in forum after forum I see the same issue. Like many others I have watched the video on youtube about mapping and learn functions as well as trying to work through it one setting at a time. My question is this, as many of us want to use your product and this is a common problem why doesn’t Toontrack just make a midi map for 2Box in the software and solve the problem across the board?

    Hey man I’m about to embark on triggering sd2 with my 2box. Have you found a solution for midi mapping? I imagine I’ll need to manually assign the pads the midi notes in the module that correspond to the assigned notes in the software, essentially mapping it manually?

    Mark Juliano

    OOO nice answer! thank you!

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