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  • grizsk

    To solve your ‘Installer can’t be opened’ error, instead of double clocking the icon, right-click and choose ‘Open’ from the menu, and then click ‘Open anyway’


    Thanks for your input guys, I just scraped together the solution. For anyone else who may have this issue in the future, I needed to do the following:

    – Set the menu style for my DTX module from ‘Easy’ to ‘Advanced’
    – Locate the MIDI clock settings in the Utility Menu (in my case the target was called ‘SyncMode’) and set it to ‘Exterior’ to allow what I assume is Logic’s timing clock to take over.

    That fixed the bulk of the issue immediately and I was able to play most pads with zero latency issues.. However, two pads would still respond only to every second hit. Then it struck me like a ton of bricks. The last kit I was using before my foray into SD2 on my module was not a conventional kit. I had built my entire map on an effects kit that has ‘hold’ functions on those 2 triggers. Hit the trigger once, a sample would start, hit the trigger again and it turns the sample off. On/off/on/off.

    Every second hit.

    This has been quite the journey.. I hope this helps someone in the future.


    Midi in from DTX module to midi out on interface.
    Midi out from DTX module to midi in on interface.
    USB from interface to MacBook.

    All cables are under 6ft.

    I’ve considered new midi cables, but these aren’t old to begin with and the last thing i want to do is shell out more cash on non-fixes.

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