One day only: Up to 20% off all individual EBXs for EZbass!*

One day only: Up to 20% off all
individual EBXs for EZbass!

One day only: Up
to 20% off all individual EBXs
for EZbass!

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  • Erik

    Hey Caebo,

    It’s not quite as simple as counting an average of samples per layer (fortunately..!) and you’re probably doing yourself a disservice by thinking that way. The important thing is whether playback sounds artificial or not.

    I don’t think anyone would have a problem putting an EZX in a busy mix, but if you want the drums front and center, the increased range of sounds from a Superior Line product makes it less likely the listener will find anything uncanny about them.

    One thing Olof didn’t mention is that the number of samples loaded are actually limited in many SDX libraries (SD3 core to a lesser extent) to keep the memory usage down. For instance, the default Death SDX kit loads 2.6 GB into memory, but removing the layer limits brings that up to 4.1 GB. Does that higher number really make a difference, though? My personal answer to that is that my favorite EZX loads 350 MB into memory and sounds great.

    Erik Berglund — Toontrack

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