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  • cearnaigh

    Just posting an update – hopefully Andy1974 will see this – because I just had a massive breakthrough.

    It’s not a completely ideal fix, but one option is to disable the hi-hat control change within the Mark Drum module ( You do this by selecting HI-HAT; MIDI; ENABLE_HH_CTRL_CH; OFF) and selecting the Generic Controller (no cc) preset in EZDrummer.

    This way you get a closed, open, chick and a very good bark sound. The various stages of open-ness are missing but it’s a million times better that the alternative.

    It’s also worth tinkering with the trigger and Midi gain options in the module. I thought the hi-hat was missing hits but I just needed to adjust the parameters.

    I’ll update again is I ever figure out an option for using CC4


    Hi Andy,

    Did you manage to solve this? I’m using Mark drum Yes as well but I can only get a closed sound or open sound. I can’t figure out how to map the kit in a way that it recognises when the HiHat is open

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