Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

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  • Arto Lehtonen

    On a Mac the Product Manager download target is changed in preferences. When the installer is run for an EZX or SDX you can identify where the actual sound library gets installed.

    preferences, preferences, preferences.. Evereybodys talking about the preferences BUT  where exactly on the PRODUCT MANAGER is that preferences OPTION???


    Thanked by: Brian and David Hilliard
    Arto Lehtonen


    user EvilDragon has it right but to clarify:
    1) You do not need to install more than the Basic install if you do not wish to or do not have space enough.
    2) The library (as with all Superior libraries) does not need to reside on your system drive, it can be installed to an external drive.


    Hi, if its possible then could you tell us how exactly do this,? because this is answer won´t help with the actual installation.

    Arto Lehtonen

    Hi, if its possible then could you tell us how exactly do this,? because this is answer won´t help with the actual installation.

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