Wish List… You develop a Ez Drummer Refill for Propellerhead Reason/ Record

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  • Scott

    I think the best solution would be if Propellerhead Record would support VSTi, which they don’t currently support.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I too love your stuff I own EzPlayer Pro and I use to use Live with Reason. Before Live I quit protools and tried Digital Performer and Logic. I have been unhappy with sequencers since Studio Vision Pro was killed by gibson in the late 90s. Now Record is perfect and finally (10 yrs later) has studio vision pro features (blocks). Switching fully to Record as a main sequencer killed my ability to use ezplayer pro. I refuse to piggyback it off another sequencer. I would really love if there were a way to use it with Record. Lets say ezplayer pro was stand alone and could start/stop record, send its midi into certain tracks and had 1 stereo return track. I’d buy that upgrade or even if it had some way to send its midi into record in sync without another sequencer involved.
    I do not agree that record should have 3rd party plugins that aren’t written into the app and can be removed. I think that’s why other sequencers seem so unstable and have such HUGE processor/ram fluctuations. Record/Reason kills them all with quality/cpu/ram (except maybe the reverb). The only thing I wish it had was a midi loop “try out” device and your drum sounds.

    Pat Egan

    I also would love to see a Refil for Propellerhead for Ezdrummer sounds . Yes I can link in the Sonar, or use Ezplayer to convert the Midi to work with the with the Propellerhead refills, but it would be great to have a Reason refil with your drum samples.. Yes it would be great for record to support plug ins, but think that is what keep there software running good. So porting your samples into Reason refil format would be great . At present use Ezdrummer/Player to fine the drum patterns and place them together, convert to Reason format, and load them into Record, find a drum set that sounds close to yours, and then do midi edits as I like … I would be great to be working with the same sounds … Maybe you could partner up with some other company that does refils, and could take your samples and make refils from them ?

    Christian Valdez

    I am a Christian Music Producer. I started using Reason by propellerheads since their 3.0 version. Thats the best recording software. It sounds funny and ridiculous but I purchase some of your products, hoping find one day, the way to make the them work with now reason 6. Your drum sounds are the best. I do own reason drums, old school drums, vintage drums, and sony drums etc. and with Reason, there is always a way to make them sound real; but still, your drums are better, more real, more natural. Well I have not succeded in having toontrack and reason zinc together. I can do rewire between Reason and other vst programs, but that alone requires more memory and ram plus it does not give me full control over the individual drums, and plus I own a pc. Well, I just hope that one day you guys collect enough petitions, and then you can partner with the best, innovate it, advance, and best quality software, that is leading the computer recording industry around the world. Thanks


    ORIGINAL: Scott

    I think the best solution would be if Propellerhead Record would support VSTi, which they don’t currently support.

    So I understand that Toontrack don’t want earn more money….

    Try someday Reason and You will understand why they don’t support VST 😉


    You can use EZDrummer or Superior Drummer with REason now the EZDrummer have made a standalone player called Toontrack Solo which you can download for free.

    This means that you can slave Superior Drummer to Reason. I have also set up an e-kit to use with Superior Drummer by using the MIDI Learn function in Superior Drummer. This means the kit can be controlled by both an e-kit and from the Reason Sequencer.

    You will need to get a free virtual MIDI app
    PC:: Loopbe1
    Mac: Soundflower

    In Reason: You create a external MIDI instrument in Reason. Route it to the Loopbe1 (eg: pc)

    In Toontrack Solo:
    Load Up Superior Drummer etc
    Go to Options/MIDI select ‘Loopbe1’ internal MIDI

    Now your Superior Drummer is slaved to Reason.
    Additionally you can create audio tracks in Reason to record the audio as well as the MIDI data from Superior Drummer.

    The video below explains how to do this on a Mac. Rock on m/

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