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Win10 laptop EZdrummer2 problem in drum setups

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  • John


    you only need the Ezdrummer 2 standalone app, Toontrack solo is for loading EZdrummer 1 and Superior 2.
    Is there any way you can screen capture this with sound?
    I am not sure I understand your issue correctly.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor



    I shot a video about my problem. Link below. Hope you can hear the difference on sounds as the load bar goes further. I thought first this is about the millemium sensitivity but then I realized the sounds are there, but something somehow over runs/writes the sounds.

    Hope this guides you to the source of problem. It can be a small thing. I really don’t have any experience on these things. Though I’m not a newbie on computers. I couln’t link this, but there is the address.



    Here is just a guess.

    When you load any preset, it starts by loading the hardest layers (velocity 127). Then it loads the softer layers. If you click on the kit pieces, do you get the full, hardest velocity sound?

    If so, you may need to adjust you e-drums to make it easier to trigger the hard velocity layers.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Sounds understandable. I’ll try. As this problem is assigned only to millenium parts of my set.

    btw is there a map of midi configurations cause even though I’m choosing the Millenium E-drum set in the settings there are wrong assignments on the drums. For example on Black on blue set i get crash sound on tom1 ring shot.


    There is a MIDI Layout for each library in the Menu under Sound Libraries.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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