Will the speed increase when i start downloading multiple discs @once with SD3. I have a speed @the moment of 19Mb/s

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  • Miroslav

    Be happy…I’m only getting 7+ Mb/s…this is such tedious BS having to download Gigs and Gigs of data, instead of being able to buy a BOXED $#@% version!

    This really sucks Toontrack…it’s easy on you guys ‘cuz you don’t have to generate physical product, so you stuck it to your customers.
    We’re not talking a few MBs or even a Gig or two…and if the connection crashes or you get a corrupt download (twice already on two packs) you get to start ALL OVER.


    Nothing over 450kbs here for days. Generally around 150kbs. With regular timeouts. My current dl speed is over 15mbs. Solutions so far : please send us your isp details and your speed. Then, a day later : please send us your isp details and your speed.

    I’m so glad I chose to support this sampler back in the day, I just knew they would grow gracefully into a grey corporation that puts all onus on the customer. $260au please on top of the hundreds you’ve given us over the years. Here’s a download link and, oh, did we mention, you can’t use your favourite library anymore unless you buy it again at full price! Hello Addictive Drums, hello Slate, hello BFD.

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