Superior 2.0 for Rack Extensions…please?

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  • Francis Bouillon

    Totally agree….

    Actually I would like to have Superior, EZ Player Pro and EZ Mix… That way I could stop having to use Reason with Rewire all the time…

    EZ Drummer and Superior are really what is missing to Reason, high quality multi sampled drums… that would be very smart from Toontrack to jump in…


    Interesting reply from Toontrack today on Facebook….I asked if they were working on an “Extension”….The Reply…”How would you like your rack sir?”….????….Take it for what you will….

    Greg Morgan

    I am in total agreement! I love working in Reason, but I have to do my drum tracks in Logic so I can use EZDrummer, Superior and EZMix. To me, the ability not to use TT products in Reason is the only thing missing. Please add Rack Extension support for all your products.

    I wonder if we will have to purchase all of our EZX, SDX, etc again or if they will transfer over. That would be a bummer if we had to do that all over.



    Reason is a closed product!

    Almost *every* other DAW worth it’s salt, supports VST, RTAS, TDM whatever but yet Reason won’t load VST, in fact they’ve even omitted MIDI-out from previous versions (still the case??), a pretty basic prerequisite if you ask me and one of many very clear signs that P.H.’s aren’t looking to have much in terms of cross format, 3rd party support. They claim that by not having VST’s you don’t have “errant code” running around causing crashes, and that the program is much more stable as a result. Well unfortunately times have changed and the knowledge/practise of writing VSTi’s has vastly improved, so draw from it what you will….

    Considering many standards are already established, it’s surely upto PropellorHeads to sort the compatibility issues, all they are doing is forcing their consumers hand.

    Personally, just ditch reason, get a “proper” DAW and house reason/SD/ad inifinitum, all under the same roof…

    This kinda request just defies me a touch, you’re asking it the wrong way around….



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