Sound ezdrummer with midi instrument

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  • Juicy

    The mouse hit is set to go off at full velocity/ volume of 127 on the midi spectrum.
    You have to whack your E Drum pretty hard to get that loud 127 value, now firstly whats wrong with dynamic ?
    Do you just want everything in your song loud from start to finish .? Its boring and unreal.
    The only dynamics you real have in electronic drums is to cherish your lower velocities and be very careful to find the middle and only when needed such as chorus or accents be at full volume.
    If you want to be a little lazy like me set your pad sensitivity (in the TD12) on the kick up a bit higher, i go up to 18 for a constant kick. Cymbals too can be set a bit higher. Also some older pads start to lose their response after a few years and a Td12 is not a young kit so worth giving the pads a boost.
    ITS GOOD Toontrack have dynamics in their samples and its ok that you set your Roland pads to be best/comfortable and predictable results for E Drumming from external software.
    It won’t hurt the roland ( which can be reset) but all will be better.
    Some samples do have some minor noise but i have never ever heard it to be really as bad as described.
    Especially once you get back to actually playing in a mix or band situation its inaudible.

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