Sooooooooo sloooooooooow…

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  • John


    I take it you are referring to EZdrummer?
    You are in fact “just” loading a kit and not loops. The Groove Browser and player is for playing back MIDI files, should you wish to.
    Superior 2 upsamples on the fly and has completely different loading times at sample rates above 44,1kHz, compared to EZdrummer.
    As an example, I just created a Logic Project in 96kHz and loaded a ≈600MB kit in 6 seconds with Superior 2. It took me well over 2 minutes to load the Default kit in EZdrummer @96kHz.
    They are two different products for different purposes; one a light-weight songwriter companion, the other a full-fledged professional studio product. That said, there are pro’s using EZdrummer in their final products.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    dick pupa

    OK, good to know. Thanks, John. Are the drums in EZ Drummer (which is what I’m using) included in Superior 2? I’m really liking them, and plan to use Toontrack exclusively from now on. And can EZ Drummer and Superior 2 co-exist in one DAW?

    dick pupa

    Never mind, dude, I found the product page! I’m goin’ for it. Thanks again.


    You can use EZdrummer inside Superior.
    I sometimes work at 96Khz and Superior loads fast.

    Jan Erik

    What do you mean by that?? How do you do it?


    with EZdrummer installed, the core library, named ‘pop/rock’ will be available as per any other EZdummer set (EZX).

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    ORIGINAL: Jan Erik Ernst

    What do you mean by that?? How do you do it?

    If you own and use Superior, EZdrummer and it’s expansions appear as sound libraries inside Superior, just like a Superior expansion (SDX).

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