single line to chord?

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  • Kaylen

    Is there official toontracks people in here or is this a user forum?


    ORIGINAL: Kaylen

    will ez Keys be able to analyze single line if midi or audio and pick compatible chords? For example a line of flute music would it be able to find chords that sounded good with that? I’m curios about both midi and audio.

    EZkeys can’t create chords out of melodies, no. It also doesn’t analyze audio files or is able to convert audio to MIDI.

    I would recommend trying the demo to see what EZkeys has to offer.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    how about two lines as in a duets, would it be able to pick chords that are compatible?


    No, two duet lines are just two separate melody lines. As I said, EZkeys won’t successfully guess chords from single notes.

    Again, I suggest downloading the demo and seeing if the functions that are available are suited to your needs.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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