sdx and ez overlap is a bummer

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  • masi

    An upgrade path from an EZX to an SDX would be most welcome.




    not saying anything about your request but the EZX sounds are pre-mixed in a way the SDX sounds are not. The MIDI is not the same.
    This goes for any EZX based on material making it to an SDX. I.e. you do not buy the exact same thing twice.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    ian nickus

    yes the sdx has more than the ezx, that is a given. The point is that mallet, or bomber, or ludwig are the same drums and sound quite a bit like the ezx out of the box, and if i have the sdx i don’t need the ezx, not the other way around. The ezx is basically a preview of the sdx a year early for someone who wants to use the sdx. The midi, is normally priced at $29 retail or whatever, so if that is what i would get from having both I am paying too much. And toontrack producer presets from “name” producers are only 5 or 10 dollars, so perhaps the sdx owner could buy the ezx mix presets for $5 if that is needed, and the midi from the ezx for $29 if they so desire.

    The meat of what is being bought in the sdx, i.e. the drum sounds, make the ezx drum sounds basically obsolete, for the sdx owner. Someone who wants the sdx and wants to adjust the drums themselves will use the sdx, not use the ezx, because it just doesn’t have the same level of sound quality and utility (hence the sdx being more than twice the cost), and the sdx has mix presets as well obviously. When people buy the packages, whether they are sdx or ezx, it should be understood that they are getting things they may or may not use, and the pricing needs to relate to that as well, to keep the customer feeling that they are getting a reasonable value for their money.

    ian nickus

    just wanted to give props to toontrack for releasing the new prog drums ezx and superior versions at the same time, which avoids the issue i had in this topic.

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