Today only – 40% off 18 selected EZXs.*

Today only – 40% off 18
selected EZXs.

Today only – 40% off 18 selected EZXs.*

Preset Products won’t install

Product Manager
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  • Olof

    This should be fixed now. Just refresh or restart Product Manager.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    i am having this same issue they are all still there in my program files but the product manager gives me the install banner right after installing it


    What product(s)? You don’t have any “preset products” (S2.0 Producer Presets) on your account.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    i have the metal foundry and the progressive midi pack. i still have all the drums, but when i try to open the grooves in superior, they are not there. ive got all of the product keys and in the product manager it says they are downloaded but still need to be installed. i installed these products months ago and now its telling me to install again. but every time i do, the red “install” banner comes up instead of the one that says ready to use.


    The path where you had the MIDI installed earlier must have gone missing or changed.

    This Command Prompt command can show what it is (where Superior and Product Manager are expecting to find a “Midi” subfolder):
    reg query HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NodeToontrackSuperiorEZDrummer /v HomePath

    If you uninstall and reinstall SD2 (the software only), the installer should let you choose a path for this – the “EZdrummer Home Directory”, where EZXs and MIDI will be.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack

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